Loewenstein and Abunimah on GritTV

I was interviewed yesterday on leading independent American television show GritTV alongside Ali Abunimah. We discussed the “peace process”, Palestine, BDS, the role of Barack Obama and the importance of the web: More GRITtv

Conflict Kitchen brings understanding to the eating ritual

This is perhaps the best idea I’ve heard in ages: Welcome to Conflict Kitchen’s first iteration, Kubideh Kitchen. Conflict Kitchen is a take-out restaurant that only serves cuisine from countries that the United States is in conflict with. The food is served out of a take-out style storefront, which will rotate identities every 4 months…

Iran has no nuclear program, says Iranian

Don’t believe the hype; America may well have kidnapped a man with little or no intelligence value. Democracy at work: Contrary to a news media narrative that Iranian scientist Shahram Amiri has provided intelligence on covert Iranian nuclear weapons work, CIA sources familiar with the Amiri case say he told his CIA handlers that there…

Investigating intelligence takes real intelligence

This week’s Washington Post story on the outsourcing of intelligence continues to reverberate. One of the co-writers of the series, Bill Arkin, is interviewed on Democracy Now! A shadowy world of massive privatised madness since 9/11. More than half a trillion dollars is being spent annually on services that even many elements within government don’t…

How to show dedication to Israel the “liberal” way

New neo-con group Emergency Committee for Israel recently produced a TV ad slamming the supposedly suspect politician Joe Sestak. Now, more liberal Zionist lobby J Street has released a counter attack that shows how much Sestak in fact loves Israel. Seriously, if this is the way to move the debate forward in the US, we’re…

US food store begins BDS against Israel

US grocery store Olympia Food Co-op has become the first shop of its kind in America to institute a boycott of Israeli goods: Co-op board member Rob Richards explained, “My hope is that by being the first in the US to adopt the boycott we act as a catalyst for other co-ops to join in.…

Why didn’t these people slam the Iraq war before it happened?

A litany of voices are now pouring out to claim the Iraq war was a mistake and a disaster. Would these same establishment figures be so honest if Iraq hadn’t become such a basket-case? British and U.S. intelligence had no credible evidence of a link between Saddam Hussein and the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on…

Can we please have a grown-up conversation about Afghanistan?

So let me get this straight. Years of futile fighting, tens of thousands dead and now a realisation that the “enemy” must be engaged? The White House is revising its Afghanistan strategy to embrace the idea of negotiating with senior members of the Taliban through third parties – a policy to which it had previously…

Wash Post study on outsourcing terror (aka intelligence services)

One of the biggest stories in North America at the moment is today’s Washington Post investigation on the explosion of intelligence services since 9/11. The sheer scale and cost involved is massive. Creating fear has never been more profitable. The outsourcing of government services is taking place across the world, including Australia and yet most…

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