Argentina begins an historical reckoning

A powerful piece of investigative journalism by Sydney-based journalist and academic Antonio Castillo on Argentina’s attempts to hold those to account who led the Dirty War in the 1970s and beyond. A previous “war on terror”, backed by Washington. It’s curious to consider; many nations around the globe are slowly but surely trying to examine…

Life under occupation in the holy city of Bethlehem

I regularly feature the writings of Father Peter Bray, a New Zealander who heads Bethlehem University. He offers first-hand accounts of the realities of occupation: 7 July 2010 Greetings from this holy place! Last week we finally celebrated the graduation of 656 students and so brought to an end the academic year which was the…

Unprecedented hostility towards Israel, says New York Times

Roger Cohen in the New York Times: I hear more hostility to Israel around the world than at any time I can recall. The United States, traumatized, made mistakes after 9/11. Too often, it shunned prudence and rode roughshod. Israel is in some ways an extension of the United States. The line between what’s domestic…

Finkelstein shows the weakness of Obama on Palestine

The latest interview with Norman Finkelstein this week, on GritTV, on the meeting a few days ago between Barack Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu that showed the real face of Washington towards the Middle East; weak, blindly pro-Israel and deep with empty rhetoric. America will not solve this conflict:

New York Times happy to publish call for ethnic cleansing

Following the extensive New York Times feature on American companies getting tax deductions for building settlements in the West Bank, one letter writer in the paper is upset: To the Editor: Some questions: Why should it be controversial for tax-exempt charities to aid people who live in disputed territory? Why is it that Jews living…

Australia’s Prime Minister is a pale shadow of nothingness

Dissident writer and academic Scott Burchill on the dead heart at the centre of the ruling Labor party in Australia (and the Prime Ministership of Julia Gillard): Caved in to miners within hours of becoming PM – not prepared to stand up to corporate power in the West, or defend the population’s resources equity Gushed…

Killing people is fun, says head CENTCOM head

This makes me proud to be a human being. And some Americans wonder why so many in the world regard its policies as racist? Hard to see why: Defense Secretary Robert Gates is currently announcing the appointment of Gen. James Mattis to replace Gen. David Petraeus as commander of U.S. Central Command. Slate’s John Dickerson…

White House rolls out the silver cutlery for Netanyahu

In case you were wondering what Benjamin Netanyahu ate with the entire Obama administration team a few days ago in Washington (fine journalism, indeed): The kosher lunch menu included chopped White House garden salad with honey-apple cider dressing, thyme-roasted chicken with spring peas, leek puree and potato croutons, with apricot torte with White House honey…

When killing “enemies” is the default media position

A leading British former counter-terrorism official says that his country’s “war on terror” has been an abject failure, alienated Muslims and increased the chances of terrorism. The CIA’s former top counter-terrorism official claims that the use of contracting in the “war on terror” is a good thing and Washington’s post 9/11 posture has been one…

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