Blocking Israeli cargo in the US of A

How the times are changing. There is anger and passion in the air in the most important country in the world when it comes to the Middle East: This just in: In Oakland, California an Israeli ship was blocked by protesters for the first time in history. 700-1000 protesters blocked three different gates at 5:30…

Killing civilians in Colombia for hard, US-provided cash

Beware any rogue nation that is warmly embraced by Washington in its “war on drugs”: Many men have been disappearing – only for families to find out the army had shot them When Luz Marina Bernal’s 26-year old son went missing in February 2008, she immediately raised the alarm. Fair Leonardo Porras Bernal had a…

Obama’s zero results in the Muslim world

Commenting on a new Pew study that outlines growing Arab anger towards Barack Obama, Andrew Sullivan signals a win for the Zionist lobby and Israel’s right-wing; singing all the way over the cliff: The Arab world, for reasons both ugly and realistic, was waiting to see if Obama could actually wrest free of the pro-Israel…

Cairo hearts Washington and murders its own citizens

What America gets with a few billion dollars of aid every year: Reporters Without Borders is outraged by the death of Khaled Mohammed Said, a 28-year-old human rights activist who is widely alleged to have been beaten to death by police in Alexandria on 6 June, and calls for an independent and transparent enquiry. The…

Many Jews simply can’t accept what Israel has become

This is what liberal Zionism has come to. Asking, almost begging, for understanding about Israel but nothing like demands for one person, one vote. Palestinians should be given equal rights in Israel? Perish the thought. Here’s American Jewish writer JJ Goldberg in New York a few days ago: I’m beginning to feel like Amos Kenan”¦[who…

America’s massive carbon footprint in Iraq

During a recent talk at New York’s Revolution Bookstore, writer Raymond Lotta made the following astounding comment: The US military…is one of the world’s largest polluters. If the war in Iraq were actually ranked as a country, in terms of carbon emissions, the war emitted more CO2 each year – that is more carbon dioxide…

Some UN home truths

Ali Abunimah: If the UN Security Council decided the outcome of the World Cup, USA and Israel would be the greatest football nations.

Answering 20 questions for New Matilda

Here it is: Antony Loewenstein has been writing for about the Middle East since the beginning. He lobs 20 Questions back our way Antony Loewenstein started writing for pretty much at the beginning and has been a regular contributor on the Middle East since. His articles, particularly on Israel-Palestine, have provoked heated debate…

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