The Zionism is sick department

This is the state of public Zionism. J Street founder Jeremy Ben-Ami and Atlantic writer Jeffrey Goldberg talk in New York this week and fear the “demographic challenge” to the Jewish state. Yes, polite language for Palestinians campaigning for one person, one vote. On the more paranoid side, the Jerusalem Post’s Caroline Glick says that…

Help, we’re drowning here in Obama hatred

Yiron Festinger, in Israel’s major paper Yediot, offers some increasingly comical Israel Derangement Syndrome: Prime Minister Netanyahu should not be envied over the challenge posed by the most hostile president in US history; a president who makes the anti-Semite Jimmy Carter look like a Righteous Gentile. However, we should be calling a spade a spade…

The day we’ll see an Israeli leader in the dock

A surprising result in the US and one that should be welcomed. For too long, Western leaders have enjoyed impunity simply because of their birthplace or connections. Let justice be served: The U.S. Supreme Court ruled this week that under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, not…  all former foreign officials living in the United States…

The Gulf of Mexico isn’t for public eyes

Here’s the future. A disaster happens. Public scrutiny is essential. Media must be allowed in. But who is really colluding here? BP, in a move destined to go down as one of the bestest public relations moves ever, has apparently hired a private security company to help to keep pesky reporters from covering the unfolding…

How Obama betrayed the rights of a tortured man

A New York Times editorial of necessary clarity: The Supreme Court’s refusal to consider the claims of Maher Arar, an innocent Canadian who was sent to Syria to be tortured in 2002, was a bitterly disappointing abdication of its duty to hold officials accountable for illegal acts. The Bush administration sent Mr. Arar to outsourced…

Israeli Jews really just want “yes” people in the US

A curious and rather predictable poll (and why are Israeli Arabs seemingly never asked anything in such polls? They are 20% of Israel’s population but clearly don’t matter too much to most people). On the one hand Israeli Jews want the world to butt out and on the other hand they want American Jews to…

Colbert briefly skewers Oren

The Colbert Report covers the Gaza flotilla incident (with tongue firmly planted in its cheek) then interviews Israeli ambassador to the US, Michael Oren. It’s gentle, to put it mildly, but it seems to me that Israel’s position is mocked: The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Formidable Opponent – Michael Oren…

We can crush your balls and get away with it

The seemingly never-ending outrage of America’s “war on terror”, with the complicity continuing under the Obama administration. Democracy Now! reports: In a major setback for holding US officials accountable for rendition and torture, the Supreme Court has rejected Arar’s lawsuit against the US government. Arar was seized at New York’s Kennedy Airport in 2002 on…

Who is really attacking Jews these days?

A story from American TV that highlights the threats to the Jewish community. I don’t doubt that there are a number of individuals and groups that would like to harm Jews but I remain skeptical that the “new anti-Semitism” isn’t a convenient distraction when Israel is facing legitimate criticisms of its behaviour.

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