Who is really attacking Jews these days?

A story from American TV that highlights the threats to the Jewish community. I don’t doubt that there are a number of individuals and groups that would like to harm Jews but I remain skeptical that the “new anti-Semitism” isn’t a convenient distraction when Israel is facing legitimate criticisms of its behaviour.

My people like to slam all Muslims as terrorists

A new blog on the Foreign Policy in Focus website, Focal Points, aims to present a different perspective on the world. A recent post highlights the resistance to new mosques in America and guess who is fanning the flames? It has been said before that Al-Qaeda’s greatest victory was not September 11th but Abu Ghraib.…

The last thing Iran needs is American “assistance”

I write extensively about the web in repressive regimes but I remain skeptical (to put it mildly) when neo-conservatives talk about democracy promotion. Take Reuel Marc Gerecht in today’s New York Times: The democracy movement also needs a large supply of digital-video broadcasting cards, which function much like prepaid telephone cards and allow downloading and…

Afghans don’t want foreign troops, ever

How many corporate journalists in the West bought Washington’s spin over recent “successes” in Afghanistan? The embedded mindset is a killer: Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal confronts the specter of a collapse of U.S. political support for the war in Afghanistan in coming months comparable to the one that occurred in the Iraq War in late…

Wikileaks founder in danger

The ongoing saga around Wikileaks and the fearful establishment who now, for the first time, can’t control a medium (the web) that may publish information that upsets those in power: Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Let the churches argue over Palestine

A seemingly principled stand on an issue that is generating outrage in ways the corporate media seem unwilling to represent: America’s largest Presbyterian denomination is preparing for a contentious General Assembly next month as delegates will be asked to consider approving a strongly worded report that calls on the U.S. to stop sending billions of…

Riyadh loves a good Zionist love-in

Good to see that one of the key Arab nations, like Egypt, is happy to lie down with a rapacious Jewish state: Saudi Arabia has conducted tests to stand down its air defences to enable Israeli jets to make a bombing raid on Iran’s nuclear facilities, The Times can reveal. In the week that the…

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