Is the Aussie Zionist lobby in trouble?

One of Australia’s foremost academics, Scott Burchill, senses a change in Australian public opinion over Israel. The Zionist lobby will have noticed. As will the lobby’s closest backers (such support is always helped by regular free trips to Israel and a constant stream of press releases). Over to Burchill in an online exclusive: Sometimes government…

How to shame Washington with one easy online dump

The power of Wikileaks has become legendary (this recent New Yorker profile is fascinating). A website unafraid to publish sensitive information and to hell with the consequences. Transparency with few limits: Pentagon investigators are trying to determine the whereabouts of the Australian-born founder of the secretive website Wikileaks for fear that he may be about…

How to please your Zionist masters without even trying

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas goes to Washington and attends a private dinner with the Zionist lobby. Notice anything wrong with this? The exact group who spend every waking hour extinguishing the prospects of Palestinian self-determination now want to dine with the puppet leader. The report speaks for itself: Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas can’t seem to…

More cluster bombs, please

Does Israel ask Washington for anything these days apart from diplomatic protection and more weapons? Israel has approached the United States for more bombs and asked Washington to increase an emergency arms cache stowed on Israeli soil by 50 per cent, according to the leading newspaper Ha’aretz. The approach, made by Defence Minister Ehud Barak…

We don’t care about the people of Iran

A new Human Rights Watch report on the desperation in Iran one year after the disputed elections: Reports received by Human Rights Watch from human rights campaigners and others inside Iran suggest that the current atmosphere inside the country is markedly different than the images of mass protest beamed across airwaves and cyberspace a year…

Abbas looks for warm embrace of Zionist community

If anymore evidence is needed, and it isn’t, that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is a puppet desperate for Western approval (and funding and arms), here’s a little news from his American tour: Leading Jewish Americans are reportedly just about fed up with the government of Turkey, but many of them are still very much interested…

Syria, Iran and Turkey are now calling the shots

The major role of Turkey in the Middle East is shifting fast, damn fast. Old alliances, always formed around convenience over principle (that’s foreign affairs, I hear you say) are moving. Paul McGeough outlines what’s going on but a stronger analysis is by Pepe Escobar in Asia Times. Poor, little Washington just can’t control the…

NBC dares to show Gaza

A mainstream American TV report on life in Gaza. A rarity: Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Repeat after me; no Twitter explosion in the Islamic Republic

I’ve written before about the hyped media campaign last year that falsely claimed the civil unrest in Iran was a Twitter Revolution. In fact, many of the Iranian Twitter accounts were being run from inside the US. So how many hacks will read this? But it is time to get Twitter’s role in the events…

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