Please don’t ask Tel Aviv about life in Gaza

Too many in the mainstream media simply report Israeli talking points on the humanitarian situation in Gaza. People may not be starving in the streets but every human rights group in the world claims the people there are in desperate need of assistance. So what do many in the American press do?

Waiting for President Palin

The increasingly vocal liberal Zionist Peter Beinart on the fear, loathing and anticipation gripping the Israeli government and its American backers: Netanyahu’s response to the Gaza blockade crisis shows just how out of touch he is with America. Peter Beinart on why Israeli leaders—and their U.S. defenders—need to join the age of Obama. This week,…

No, anti-Semitism isn’t (mostly) behind the current campaign

Radio Farda is the Iranian branch of Radio Free Europe and receives millions of hits monthly by discussing issues the Islamic Republic would rather keep hidden. I was interviewed last week about the Gaza flotilla (though I should note, for the record, that I think real anti-Semitism is a tiny reason behind the current campaign…

Talking BDS post flotilla massacre

My following interview with Green Left Weekly appears today: Sydney-based journalist and author Antony Loewenstein is an outspoken critic of Israeli policies and author of the best-selling 2006 book My Israel Question. He is the co-founder of advocacy group Independent Australian Jewish Voices and is a board member of Macquarie University’s Centre for Middle East…

Moving from watching Fox News to understanding Palestine

During my experience with the Gaza Freedom March in late 2009 in Cairo, I spent time with a remarkable American woman and mother, Debbie Mardon. She once was a right wing, Fox News watcher but is now a fiercely passionate activist for Palestine. Her transformation was documented in New York’s Indypendent newspaper last week and…

Talk to Hamas now, says Turkey

While the New York Times calls for better relations between Israel and Turkey – and even urges Israel to end its siege on Gaza – Ankara has its own ideas about moving forward (via The Cable): As the crisis over a deadly Israeli commando raid on a vessel carrying Turkish activists continued to command the…

Where’s the Tea Party anger over Israeli killings?

A little message from Juan Cole: Hey, Tea Party. A foreign navy boarded an unarmed ship flying the flag of a NATO member in international waters and shot dead an American citizen with four bullets to the head and one in the chest on Memorial Day. It did this while the head of the belligerent…

Bush wishes he used the water-board himself

Just in case anybody missed the former US President admitting his regime used torture and was proud of it: George Bush admitted yesterday that Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the self-proclaimed mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, was waterboarded by the US, and said he would do it again “to save lives”. “Yeah, we waterboarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed,”…

This is the level of “debate” on US TV over Gaza

Former mayor of New York Ed Koch and writer Jeremy Scahill discuss Gaza and the flotilla. It’s a parallel universe on American TV with blind Zionist supporters using the same language over and over again (terrorism, Jew-hatred, terrorism, Hamas killers, terrorism):

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