Assad and Meshaal speak (and we should listen)

The idea of journalists speaking to our “enemies” happens so rarely that it’s refreshing to see the exception to the rule. Too many media hacks fear being labeled as unpatriotic. Surely blindly backing the state, any state, is unhealthy. So, here’s Charlie Rose interviewing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal and gives…

A writer loathed by the Zionist establishment

My following article appears in this week’s Green Left Weekly: American Radical: The Trials of Norman Finkelstein Directed by David Ridgen & Nicolas Rossier Baraka Productions Review by Antony Loewenstein Jewish critics of Israel are as old as the ideology itself. Zionism was regarded by most Jews in Europe as an idealistic delusion before the…

Tell Israel to ditch its nuke now

A nuclear-free Middle East is a dream for us all. The elephant in the room has always been Israel, protected by the US and Western powers because, well, it’s the Jewish state. Don’t disturb the Jews. This news therefore is a little surprising but hopeful: The United States accepted Arab demands to pressure Israel over…

I just know that Israel is a democratic paradise, hopes neo-con

Debate over the recent Peter Beinart article on Zionism and American Jewry in the New York Review of Books continues. Here’s Beinart, the sensible Zionist liberal debating neo-con Eli Lake, almost comically defending the democratic credentials of the Jewish state despite the mass evidence against it:

What you didn’t know about Hitler and his merry men

Just in case you weren’t sure about Hitler’s real behaviour and hatreds: The American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer states that Adolf Hitler was gay and surrounded himself with gay soldiers because straight soldiers refused to be brutal and savage enough.

Is Canberra happy to help Israel in its “war on terror”?

In this Fairfax story today, the elephant in the room is Israel. Some key questions: has Australia ever provided our passports to Israeli agents? If so, when and for what actions? Australian security agencies use false passports issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs to allow covert operatives to function overseas, intelligence sources have admitted.…

Obama caves towards Israel because of the green dollar

One of the main reasons that many of us are so skeptical of Washington ever seriously pressuring Israel to end its occupation is Jewish money. It’s (mostly) about money. And now the Israeli press seems to confirm the inevitable: Information that was received by Israeli sources would seem to indicate that the principal reason for…

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