Watch the Zionist gate-keepers, Nick Clegg

Here’s how corporate and Zionist smearing works. British Liberal Democrats leader Nick Clegg is surging in the polls and this makes the old hacks, who can only imagine a two-party reality, nervous. Besides, anybody that dares challenge Israel and the US is clearly beyond the pale. For the record, Clegg is hardly some radical (for…

Democracy in Cuba? Not any time soon

I was interviewed recently by Michael Hershman of Radio Free Europe about the civil situation in Cuba. My main message is that democracy in some form may well come to Cuba one day but at the moment both the insane US embargo and authoritarian Havana regime makes this very unlikely: Civil society in Cuba, long-embattled,…

Not all politicians are in bed with Washington and Tel Aviv

What’s this? A senior Western politician questioning American and Israeli criminality? No wonder the political and media elites don’t like him and the public do. He speaks unspoken truths: Nick Clegg, the party leader dominating the British election campaign, has refused to rule out a push to be foreign secretary in a coalition government. And…

Obama loves the market

Sorry to disappoint the ideologues, but the US President is an old fashioned capitalist: Statements that President Obama is a “socialist” don’t fly with the Socialist Party, USA. Billy Wharton, the Socialist Party’s co-chair, says Obama is far from being a socialist, and that labeling Obama a socialist “clearly means that people don’t understand what…

Why doesn’t America release innocent Gitmo prisoners?

The Obama administration is little different to the previous Bush regime: The government is failing in more and more cases to produce evidence that the men it has imprisoned at Guantanamo belong there, according to ProPublica’s latest look at the lawsuits [1] that some 100 captives have filed in federal court to seek their freedom.…

Google opens the door (slightly) on its filtering process

A welcome sign of transparency by Google – and far better than most other web companies – but there’s a long way to go. For example, what are the cosy deals between Google and governments who simply don’t like certain material and want it removed from YouTube? Google Inc. has set up a new tool…

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