The Fayyad plan is still-born

Joseph Massad in the Electronic Intifada on the fools who have hope in the US-backed and armed Palestinian Authority to bring “democracy” to Palestine: The Palestinian Authority is pregnant! Indeed, it is the unelected and American-imposed Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad who is pregnant. He told the Israeli newspaper Haaretz in a recent interview that…

Soldiers aren’t the only ones engaged in Afghanistan

Who is actually fighting the noble war in Afghanistan? A recent Congressional Research Service analysis [1] obtained by ProPublica looked at the number of civilian contractors killed in Afghanistan in recent months. It’s not pretty. Of the 289 civilians killed since the war began more than eight years ago, 100 have died in just the…

This is how BDS starts to gain momentum

Jewish Voice for Peace reports on a major development in the US to hold Israel to account, no matter the whinging of the Zionist lobby: Being a part of the tremendous coalition… effort to pass a divestment bill at Berkeley was quite simply an ecstatic experience. As my colleague Sydney Levy said, “The movement grew by…

Zionists tell Washington that blind support is the only acceptable path

Obama, you have been warned: World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder has publicly questioned United States President Barack Obama’s commitment to Israel’s security, in a letter he reportedly drafted with the approval of his close friend Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “Our great country and the tiny State of Israel have long shared the core values…

Baby steps down Havana way

The LA Times notes a small change in Cuba (but in reality, the island will stay remarkably similar until either the Castro brothers die or reform or the Obama administration removes the insane and counter-productive embargo): So, a Cuban walks into his neighborhood barbershop for a trim and a shave on a Havana afternoon. In…

Twitter will now never be forgotten

Just how many Tweets are really worth remembering? If you tweet this, it will be in the Library of Congress, which said Tuesday it has acquired every public tweet since Twitter‘s service started four years ago. The Library of Congress put it simply today in its own tweet, “Library acquires ENTIRE Twitter archive. ALL tweets.”…

The Israel lobby gets a lot for its money

How the American Zionist lobby works. Example one: More than three quarters of the U.S. Senate, including 38 Democrats, have signed on to a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton implicitly rebuking the Obama Administration for its confrontational stance toward Israel. The letter, backed by the pro-Israel group AIPAC, now has the signatures of…

When most Iranian Twitter fiends were actually living in the US

Food for thought. Moeed Ahmad is the head of New Media at Al Jazeera and he spoke a few months ago at Australia’s Media 2010 Conference. An astute reader pointed out this clip and he comments about Iran’s so-called Green Revolution in 2009: Moeed studied the “Twitter” accounts of posters purporting to be in Tehran…

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