Noble wars of liberation cost a fortune

How many in the US know this? If you’re an average American taxpayer, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have, since 2001, cost you personally $7,334, according to the… “cost of war” counter created by the… National Priorities Project (NPP).…  They have cost all Americans collectively more than $980,000,000,000.…  As a country, we’ll pass the trillion dollar…

Any chance of Kissinger not being invited to Christmas this year?

With yet more evidence linking Henry Kissinger to war crimes, perhaps now the political and media elites will regard him as the pariah he should be (yes, I know, wishful thinking): As secretary of state, Henry Kissinger canceled a U.S. warning against carrying out international political assassinations that was to have gone to Chile and…

Washington loves its own despots in Kyrgyzstan

A salutory tale by Paul McGeough in the Sydney Morning Herald on America’s dirty relationship with “thugs” in Kyrgyzstan. Yet more evidence that the “war on terror” continues under the Obama administration and human rights and democracy have nothing to do with it: The events of the last week in Bishkek have highlighted one of…

A minor change in the “special relationship”

A Zionist mailing list sent the following story with the headline, “What next? Yellow armbands?” Yes, the Obama administration is like the Nazis. Seriously (and here’s the yarn via Jeffrey Goldberg): Roger L. Simon usefully posts a translation of a recent article from Ma’ariv, which reports that the U.S. is no longer regularly granting visas…

How the US government knew the Gitmo boys were mostly innocent all along

What was that quaint idea of trusting government officials in a time of war? Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld once declared that individuals captured by the US military in the aftermath of 9/11 and shipped off to the Guantanamo Bay prison facility represented the “worst of the worst.” During a radio interview in June…

How’s American Zionist Right views Arabs

The most interesting parts of this article by MJ Rosenberg are the quotes from some of America’s leading “pro-Israel” advocates. Racism, fear, bitterness and anger. Yes, Zionism is in great shape: Other than screaming by the right, there does not seem to be any significant aftermath to President Obama’s decision to oppose Israeli settlement expansion.… …

Washington’s aim has always been to terrorise Iraqis

Dahr Jamail reminds us that American violence against Iraqis isn’t an abberation; it’s part of the rules of engagement: Vincent Emanuele, a Marine rifleman who spent a year in the al-Qaim area of Iraq near the Syrian border, told of emptying magazines of bullets into the city without identifying targets, running over corpses with Humvees…

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