Israel has room to move and she knows it

While Israel bombs Gaza and injures a number of Palestinian children, The Cable reports on the latest theatre performance between Israel and Washington: The Obama administration’s list of “actions” it wants to see from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is open to negotiation, not a hard list of demands as many believe, according to one…

South Africa and Israel were closer than you think

A blast from the past, proving that America’s leading Zionist lobby sometimes criticises the Jewish state (hardly for human rights reasons but the fear of Israel being seen working with despots). How times have changed (and note the irony, considering Israel today behaves in ways reminiscent of South Africa during its darkest days): In the…

The Middle East is a petrol pump and we can’t stop returning

Former head of the UN nuclear watchdog, Mohamed ElBaradei: Western policy towards this part of the world [Middle East] has been a total failure, in my view. It has not been based on dialogue, understanding, supporting civil society and empowering people, but rather it’s been based on supporting authoritarian systems as long as the oil…

Remembering Palestinians under their own occupation

When writing and thinking about Palestine under both Hamas and Fatah, never forget the gross human rights abuses under their rule (and yes, Fatah is backed, armed, trained, funded and inspired by the US): Last November, Muhammad Al Saba, 36, from Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip was sentenced to death by hanging by a…

AIPAC moves into gear and asks Israel lovers to deepen the relationship

For anybody worrying about Israel’s decline into deeper repression and occupation (such as the former editor of Haaretz, David Landau), America’s leading Zionist lobby would like you and Congress to shut up, now and forever: America’s main pro-Israel lobby group is mobilising members of Congress to pressure the White House over its bitter public confrontation…

The Jewish Diaspora is turning on Israel

My following article, written with John Docker and Ned Curthoys, appears in New Matilda: It’s not just major western allies who are talking tough with Israel – evidence suggests ordinary Jews are also withdrawing their support from the rogue state Earlier this month the Sydney Morning Herald’s chief correspondent Paul McGeough quizzically asked if there…

What us Jews should be thinking about this Passover

Happy Passover to all my (observant) Jewish readers. Akiva Eldar in Haaretz has a message for you all: One of the harshest of the 10 plagues has smitten the children of Israel this Passover, and they are stumbling about in pitch darkness, bumping blindly into anyone in their way as they head toward the edge…

Is Wikileaks the most important website in the world?

The latest Wikileaks drama: Whistleblower Web site WikiLeaks is planning to release a video that reveals what it’s calling a Pentagon “cover-up” of an incident in which numerous civilians and journalists were murdered in an airstrike, according to a recent media advisory. The video will be released on April 5 at the National Press Club,…

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