What Washington does for its little Jewish friend

Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak: The United States is a central source for Israel’s qualitative edge [over its enemies] in advanced weapons systems, $3 billion in annual financial aid, ammunition and spare parts that are spread out here in American storage facilities within Israel, and upon which the IDF relies as an ‘oxygen supply’ in…

Obama wants peace in our time (and the Middle East may not be ready)

Either a massive game-changer or a case of massive American over-reach (hello Zionist lobby, Congress etc?) U.S. President Barack Obama’s demands during his meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last Tuesday point to an intention to impose a permanent settlement on Israel and the Palestinians in less than two years, political sources in Jerusalem say.…

“Obama is the greatest disaster for Israel”

It’s hard to tell if this remains simply a lover’s tiff (with no real consequence for the offending party, Israel) or something more. Certainly a war of words has erupted, and it’s rather fun to watch: Israel‘s prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, tried to smooth over a breach in relations with the US today, speaking out…

US drone attacks are not legal

An interesting Al-Jazeera English report that explains how the American use of pilotless drones in the “war on terror” has no legal framework. Good to know the world’s only super-power operates illegally:

East Jerusalem should not be touched

While Gideon Levy in Haaretz hopes and prays Barack Obama keeps up his pressure on Israel: Obama is asking Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and through him every Israeli, to finally speak the truth. He’s asking Netanyahu and the rest of us: What on earth do you actually want? Enough with the misleading answers; the moment…

Letting go of America and being happy about it

Is it even conceivable that Australian politicians (or Israelis) would ever say this publicly? MPs today urged the government to adopt a more hard-headed approach towards the US and avoid the phrase “the special relationship” as Britain’s influence over America was likely to diminish. The 14-member cross-party foreign affairs committee said that the phrase coined…

When will Israel dare to be independent?

A helpful word from Ralph Nader: On July 10, 1996, at a Joint Session of the United States Congress, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu received a standing ovation for these words: “With America’s help, Israel has grown to be a powerful, modern state. ”¦But I believe there can be no greater tribute to America’s long-standing…

What Passover means to Jews who loathe Arabs

Today is the beginning of the Jewish holiday Passover, so here’s fundamentalist West Bank Jews Women in Green making a statement to the world: Dear Friends, As we prepare for Pessach, the People of Israel put to rest Eliraz Peretz and Ilan Saviatovsky, two soldiers who fell in battle with Arab terrorists. As the mother…

Wikileaks allows sunlight in a dark age

I’ve written for years about the invaluable website Wikileaks. It currently faces an unprecedented attack by Western governments and dictatorships across the world to shut down and not release supposedly important “secrets”. Glenn Greenwald explains the importance of the site and why it matters to fight.

Protect and hug the favoured Middle East son

Salon’s Glenn Greenwald on radical Zionists asking Americans to feel sorry for poor Israel up against “anti-Semitic” Barack Obama: Given the endless largesse that country continues to receive, the fact that American devotees of Israel nonetheless try to depict Israel as some sort of grave victim of the Obama administration — and now even try…

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