Israel is a benefit to America, repeat after me

That the American political and military elites may think Israeli behaviour is causing troubles for the Empire in the Middle East is clearly a mad idea, considered by anti-Semites or mad people: Commander of the U.S. Military’s Central Command Gen. David Petraeus phoned his Israeli counterpart, Gabi Ashkenazi, this week to deny reports that he…

Hitchens is right on the Pope

Christopher Hitchens, post 9/11, has become a cheer-leader for one American-led war after another. But here, when talking about the Catholic Church and its complicity in child rape and torture, he is spot-on:

When Americans and Iranians meet, sort of

A fascinating debate on Press TV about Iran’s role in the world and its image in the West. Although many of the Iranian speakers claim that their country is a “democracy”, the official American position is equally absurd and shows the almost desperate need of both sides to talk past each other. Neither society is…

Weapons for Israel

In case anybody was worried about the relationship between Washington and Israel, rest easy, friends, business isn’t being interrupted: As Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in Washington this week absorbing the full wrath of the Obama administration, the Pentagon and Israel’s defense establishment were in the process of sealing a large arms deal. According to…

Murdoch wants to protect Israel from being itself

Here’s some supreme propaganda for your weekend. Murdoch’s Australian places this story on page one, written by their favourite establishment supporting “reporter” Greg Sheridan – victims of Western wars, what are talking about? – and demands that Australia ignore Israel’s criminality: TONY Abbott has called on the Rudd government not to expel an Israeli diplomat…

The Zionist lobby, an honest look on Al-Jazeera

The kind of debate that only really happens on Al-Jazeera. A discussion on the Israel lobby, Iran, settlements and Palestine between Israel Lobby co-author John Mearsheimer, Electronic Intifada co-founder Ali Abunimah and Israel lobbyist Meagan Buren: Now, after the AIPAC conference, Benjamin Netanyahu has returned from Israel and finds a problem. Poor lad. Here’s Akiva…

Zionist Republican can only talk about incinerating Iran

Good lord. Here’s Republican Senator Lindsey Graham speaking at AIPAC with his vision for the Middle East (war against Iran, killing Persians and loving Israel). Don’t tell me that Zionism hasn’t deformed public debate in America (via Mother Jones): Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) laid it on thick at AIPAC’s annual gala banquet on Monday. Referring…

Scahill: embed ourselves with victims of US foreign policy

One of America’s finest journalists, Jeremy Scahill, has won this year’s Izzy Award, named after muckraking journalist I.F. Stone. He tells Alternet that independent reporting is more important than ever: I would define an independent journalist as someone that’s totally un-embedded when it comes to their relationship with the powerful. In other words, you don’t…

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