Scahill: embed ourselves with victims of US foreign policy

One of America’s finest journalists, Jeremy Scahill, has won this year’s Izzy Award, named after muckraking journalist I.F. Stone. He tells Alternet that independent reporting is more important than ever: I would define an independent journalist as someone that’s totally un-embedded when it comes to their relationship with the powerful. In other words, you don’t…

Chomsky on the reasons behind increased US funding to Colombia

Noam Chomsky writes about the “change” brought by the Obama administration to Latin America: Throughout the expansion of US Empire, Latin America retained its primacy in global planning. As Washington was considering the overthrow of the Allende government in Chile in 1971, Nixon’s National Security Council observed that if the US couldn’t control Latin America,…

Israel as appealing as dried out anti-communists

American realities: “Support for Israel is one of those issues, like anti-communism used to be, that holds together a number of pieces of the conservative movement, including evangelicals but also neocons, economic conservatives and foreign policy hawks,” said Tevi Troy, a visiting senior fellow at the Hudson Institute who served as Jewish liaison in the…

JPost tells the world that Israel can do whatever the hell it wants

While some Western newspapers are upset that Israel acts with impunity, the Jerusalem Post claims in this editorial that the Jewish state has the right to act as it wants, even illegally, as it’s fighting the “war on terror” that all Western states are fighting. The last bit is true and hypocrisy is the name…

Sydney Morning Herald says Israel is walking in the wilderness

A surprisingly strong editorial in the Sydney Morning Herald that indicates the growing anger towards Israel in the Western elites. A healthy sign: Most of the experts working on Middle East peace think Jewish settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem are hindering progress. Not so Benjamin Netanyahu. ”We must not be trapped by…

A little, almost token effort, to slap Israel over murdering people

Trouble in paradise: Britain has expelled Mossad’s most senior official in London after concluding there was compelling evidence that UK passports used by a hit squad in Dubai were cloned by Israel. The Independent has learnt that the documents were cloned at Ben Gurion airport, and officials then made follow-up calls to check surreptitiously that…

Google and China, a relationship that ain’t over yet

Not so fast in believing that Google has completely ended its censorship regime in China: Google’s operations and long-term prospects in China were shrouded in confusion , as it emerged that it is still censoring search services for its partners because of contractual obligations. The world’s leading search engine hoped to resolve two months of…

How the Zionist lobby should be treated (with noise)

Go girls: WASHINGTON – March 23 – Shortly after announcing Israel’s commitment to defense in his address to the annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Gala, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was disrupted by a demonstrator.…  Rae Abileah, 27, from Half Moon Bay, CA, jumped onto AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr’s private table alongside…

This is how Israel shows its love for Washington

Last year I wrote about the proposed illegal settlements in East Jerusalem, funded by wealthy Jewish businessman Irving Moskowitz. Now, the reality: The Jerusalem municipality’s representative on the Jerusalem District Planning and Construction Committee, Yair Gabai, said Wednesday that all committee deliberations over expansion of construction have been frozen following the recent tensions between Israel…

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