We should not tolerate fear-mongering over asylum seekers

Is it possible to have a rational, respectful and mature debate in Australia over refugees, considering the actual numbers of those arriving (by plane or boat) is so low? We are a country of asylum seekers and surely benefit from a well-managed program of immigration: [A] United Nations report revealed Australia received 6,170 asylum applications…

Watching Jews walk off a cliff with their eyes open

Bernard Avishai asks some questions that too few Jews in the public sphere are considering: I confess feeling a twinge of pathos when I heard on Reshet Bet radio this morning how Benjamin Netanyahu told his AIPAC audience in Washington that the Jewish people were building Jerusalem 3000 years ago, would continue doing so today,…

AIPAC is a nice show but the chaos continues in the Holy Land

So, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tells the Zionist lobby AIPAC faithful that (illegal) settlements in East Jerusalem are staying and expanding: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told AIPAC activists that “Jerusalem is not a settlement,” and also depicted the Palestinian Authority as not taking steps for peace. During the comments on… Jerusalem, the 8,000 American…

As if the Zionist lobby would ever call for less colonies

Hehe: A bogus news release that claimed the American Israel Public Affairs Committee had called on Israel “to immediately freeze new settlement projects” led to a incorrect report on NPR’s newscast this morning. AIPAC has not issued any such statement, spokesman Josh Block tells us, and condemns whoever is responsible for spreading the misinformation. The…

AIPAC warns Obama, blames the Palestinians and doesn’t break a sweat

America’s leading Zionist lobby, AIPAC, is currently hosting its annual conference in Washington. Even Jeffrey Goldberg thinks the schedule is too right-wing: The dearth of speakers who approach the most contentious issues of the Middle East from a left-Zionist perspective is noticeable. Most American Jews voted for Obama; most American Jews are liberal; and most…

In praise of Obama’s health care plan

A message from a friend in America: When you wake up today, you will have woken up in a country that has finally passed hugely significant, though incremental, health care reform. Hundreds of millions of your fellow Americans (fellow human beings) will benefit concretely from these changes, and we will all be several big steps…

American handiwork in Afghanistan for all to see

A propaganda war short from the perspective of the US-backed Afghanistan Special Forces, Strike Force Lion, “who describe their own personal reasons why they continue to fight the war against terrorist threats within their country”. These films are undeniably interesting but they’re utterly without context. How much support do such forces have in the country?…

JPost man blames Obama for Iran’s growing rise

This is how the editor of the Jerusalem Post, David Horowitz, views the recent oh so mild pressure from America: By deliberately inflating the [settlement] Ramat Shlomo issue into a public crisis of faith in its ally, the Obama administration has encouraged Israel’s enemies.

Occupation continues while Obama will convince the world that progress is being made

A minor step in the right direction, though of course, if history is any guide, the settlements will expand while intense “negotiations” commence: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is leaving for Washington tonight, has promised the Obama administration Israel will make several goodwill gestures toward the Palestinian Authority in response to Washington’s demands. For the…

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