Our good friends in Pakistan like to torture

Robert Fisk reports from Pakistan on the 8000 “disappeared” citizens during the country’s US-backed “war on terror”: There is evidence that Pakistan’s “disappeared” are moved around, between barracks and interrogation centres and underground torture facilities in different towns and cities. There are also terrible rumours – fostered, some say, by the security authorities – that…

Hatred and fear of Islam in Switzerland is connected to previous hatreds

Swiss-based journalist Shraga Elam comments on the growing problems inside Switzerland, in a speech he gave in Geneva on 19h March: The huge wave of Islamophobia rolling over Switzerland should be compared to other forms of racism prevailing in this country especially with Judeophobia, with its long history. It would be wrong to speak in…

Hearing the voices of Gaza (and not via Skype)

A fine and internationally recognised journalist from Gaza, Mohammed Omer, is trapped in diplomatic limbo: Effectively canceling a planned speaking tour, the US consulate in the Netherlands has put an extended hold on the visa application of award-winning Palestinian journalist and photographer Mohammed Omer, scheduled to speak on conditions in Palestine, on 5 April in…

Why America loves Israel so much remains unclear

The Forward reports on a development in American perceptions of Israel. Washington’s attitude towards the Jewish state is talking tough but still offering billions of dollars every year to fund the worst excesses: Shoshana Bryen, senior director for security policy at the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, argued that blaming America’s difficulties in its…

While America dithers, concerned citizens take action on Palestine

Two more notable stories in the growing boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israeli occupation. First up: A controversial UC Berkeley student senate bill opposing UC investments in companies providing military support to Israel has once again added a local twist to the Israel-Palestine conflict. Although the bill is labeled “UC Divestment From War…

CNN oh so briefly allows debate on US funding for Israel

This clip from CNN (via Mondoweiss) is interesting. Highlighting the undoubted anger in America over recent Israeli actions, it’s a small but significant debate over the amount of money Washington gives the Jewish state every year. Let’s have an open and public debate about the rights and wrongs of this or should Israel just be…

The danger of rampant Zionism catching on in middle America?

Leading Australian thinker and academic Scott Burchill comments on the recent revelations that American General David Petraeus is publicly linking the Middle East conflict and Washington’s failures in the Muslim world: Assuming that [Mark] Perry’s report is accurate – and it apparently is – it’s quite a significant development. If the Pentagon decides to flex…

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