If Tzipi Livni is America’s saviour, then God help us all

The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg thinks he knows what the Obama administration is doing with Israel at the moment: There is much speculation that this kerfluffle over 1,600 theoretical apartments on the wrong side of the green line in Jerusalem will lead to a rupture in American-Israeli relations, but analysts who suggest this are missing the…

Our good Palestinian Fatah boys crushing those awful Hamas lads

Trust Daniel Pipes to both infuriate and shock. Sadly, the US-backed Palestinian militias are essentially a police state in the making and a useful army to quash any resistance to American/Israeli designs on the Palestinian territories: “The stupidest program the U.S. government has ever undertaken” – last year that’s what I called American efforts to…

Obama and Netanyahu are singing again soon

Washington and Israel, the best of friends again: Israel’s ambassador to Washington and the White House denied remarks that have fueled the current Israel-U.S. crisis. Israel’s Michael Oren was quoted this week by Ha’aretz as saying that relations were at a 35-year-low after Israel embarrassed Vice President Joe Biden during visit to the region by…

Time for the media to ask some deeper questions about Israel/American relations (ie. it’s in pretty good shape)

Everybody calm down. Hillary Clinton has reaffirmed Washington’s “absolute commitment to Israel’s security”. Jerusalem is facing growing Palestinian protests, especially since Hamas called for a “day of rage”. Bradley Burston writes in Haaretz a completely over the top comment: Washington is beginning to relate to the Netanyahu government as if it were Hamas. Please. Israel…

The latest on the supposed rift between Israel and (usually) compliant Washington

A running, mainstream media commentary on Israel’s current spat with Washington is below. Countless articles are now appearing across the world detailing the supposed crisis between the close allies. Frankly, I’m skeptical. I don’t doubt that the Obama administration is upset with Israel’s apparent dissing of Vice President Biden but what matters is a serious…

Stop the presses: Petraeus links Israel/Palestine to US impotence

Praise the Lord. Finally, somebody realises that Israeli actions are directly affecting American interests and lives. Sure, this has been clear for decades but better late than never. The likely outcome from Washington? More “disappointment” with Israeli actions in Palestine and little else: On Jan. 16, two days after a killer earthquake hit Haiti, a…

Obama has no issue with settlements (if he did, he’d pull money)

Just in case it wasn’t clear that America essentially approves Israeli building in East Jerusalem, read here. The sound and fury coming from Washington is purely for show. And it means nothing on the ground. Meanwhile, the US Zionist lobby is getting angry with the Obama administration. How dare you say anything critical of Israel,…

How “illegal” immigrants are held by the civilised West

The voices of refugees around the world deserve to be heard. Instead, demonisation seems order of the day. Britain: Torture survivors seeking sanctuary in Britain are being wrongly held in government detention centres, despite independent medical evidence supporting claims of brutal violence against them in their home countries. According to Home Office guidelines, in cases…

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