Understand the logic of BDS

…  A fascinating debate on Democracy Now! about the boycott, divestment and boycott movement against Israel between BDS leader Omar Barghouti and… Rabbi Arthur Waskow, a longtime antiwar, civil rights activist and founder and director of the Shalom Center. A friend comments: Very interesting, Barghouti is all over the other guy, which is last ditch left…

Bombing Iran becomes a popular thought in America

The selling of a war against Iran seems to be going swimmingly well in the US: A majority of American voters think military force will be necessary to stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapons program, and many think it will be “a disaster” if Iran gains nuclear capabilities. A Fox News poll released Tuesday…

The Arab League proves its utter uselessness

Get ready for months of meaningless talking while Israel simply continues expanding settlements: The prospects for the first negotiations involving Israel and the moderate Palestinian leadership for over a year have increased after the nations of the Arab League gave qualified support to a US proposal for indirect talks between both sides. The decision by…

If America turns on Israel, they’ll always have Micronesia

The National notes Israel’s growing isolation in the UN (of course, Washington’s tight backing is often all that matters): Two unrelated diplomatic upsets have underlined growing impatience with the behaviour of the Israeli government among western countries that are traditionally supportive. Backing from the European Union and Australia in the United Nations to sustain the…

Thoughts over prosecuting black and white war criminals

A fascinating case – holding those to account behind the Rwandan genocide is essential to dealing with that catastrophe – that highlights the fundamental flaw in our international system. Western leaders are always exempt from arrest. Is the Western world seriously saying that only black people and a few others are guilty of war crimes?…

When God gave Israel to the Jews (and radical Christians, too)

I missed this back in February, spoken by a leading Republican and Tea Party fan: At a Republican Jewish Coalition event in Los Angeles last week, Rep. Michele Bachmann offered a candid view of her positions on Israel: Support for Israel is handed down by God and if the United States pulls back its support,…

Reporters in Iraq yet to feel some of that liberation

Iraqis are yet to see true press freedom: Before the U.S.-led invasion, billed as the liberation of Iraqis, newspaper journalist Nadjha Khadum was as close to a trailblazer in her field as the era permitted. During the 1980s war between Iraq and Iran, she was embedded with the Iraqi army and filed dispatches from the…

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