Norman Finkelstein’s new book on Gaza

American writer Norman Finkelstein is soon to release his new book, “This Time We Went Too Far: Truth and Consequences of the Gaza Invasion“, a concise examination of Israel’s bombardment of Gaza in late 2008 and early 2009. (It’s also worth noting that Finkelstein has chosen a relatively new publisher, OR Books, to release his…

The CIA learns how to make money from misery

What a story. Perhaps the CIA is training private companies how to waterboard and torture disloyal employees: In the midst of two wars and the fight against Al Qaeda, the CIA is offering operatives a chance to peddle their expertise to private companies on the side — a policy that gives financial firms and hedge…

America watches China pass it by on the road to development

It’s hard not to read this story from yesterday’s New York Times and conclude that the journalist and paper are internally petrified that the place of America in the world is decreasing, its influence waning: China vaulted past competitors in Denmark, Germany, Spain and the United States last year to become the world’s largest maker…

Listen to Zinn on how to change society

The death last week of Howard Zinn has seen an outpouring of recollections for a great American and true dissident. Below is a small extract from his autobiography, You Can’t be Neutral on a Moving Train: There is a tendency to think that what we see in the present moment we will continue to see.… …

Australia rolls out the welcome mat for war criminal retirees

My following article appears in today’s Crikey: The news that defeated Sri Lankan presidential candidate and former army chief Sarath Fonseka may claim temporary asylum in Australia due to fears for his life…  is the latest saga in the country’s ongoing tragedy. Foreign Minister Stephen Smith denies that Australian officials in Colombo ever received an…

Blackwater murders children and must be held accountable

Leading American investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill has spent years reporting on the actions of private military contractor Blackwater and the privatisation of war across the world: Here’s his latest: Democracy Now! exclusive report from Jeremy Scahill about a nine year old boy, shot in the head and killed by Blackwater in the infamous Nisour Squre…

American arms despots, hopes for peace and good outcomes

This is the wonderfully concise, humane and sensible approach by the Obama administration to bring peace to the Middle East; more weapons: The Obama administration is quietly working with Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf allies to speed up arms sales and rapidly upgrade defenses for oil terminals and other key infrastructure in a bid…

Why protesting Petraeus is so important

I mentioned here recently the protest at Georgetown University against visiting speaker General David Petraeus. Soon after I received the following email from a participant of the action: I am writing to thank you for mentioning last week’s protest of General Petraeus on Georgetown’s campus in your blog. As one of the students involved, it…

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