No blood for panties: boycott Sri Lanka

Boycott Sri Lanka Press Release January 18, 2010 On the heels of its successful release of the first episode of No Blood For Panties series, Boycott Sri Lanka released its second episode today (see below). No Blood For Panties is part of a campaign to encourage Americans to boycott products made in Sri Lanka to…

The failures in Haiti are (mostly) man-made

Reporter Greg Palast loves to skewer establishment journalism and its seeming unwillingness to challenge the existing power structure. Here’s Palast on Haiti’s trauma and the reasons the rescue mission has been shambolic and most victims remain unfed six days after the earthquake: 1. Bless the President for having rescue teams in the air almost immediately.…

Why does Washington make it so easy to dislike her?

“Any association with the (Yemeni) regime will only confirm al Qaida’s narrative, which is that America is only interested in maintaining corrupt and despotic rulers and is not interested in the fate of Arabs and Muslims,” warned Bernard Haykel, a Princeton University professor.

Haiti isn’t poor because of God’s will

While the American media patronises the people of Haiti and refuses to provide any context for the country’s poverty, Patrick Cockburn offers some perspective: The US-run aid effort for Haiti is beginning to look chillingly similar to the criminally slow and disorganized US government support for New Orleans after it was devastated by hurricane Katrina…

Will Israel soon become a tipping point in American life?

The American mainstream is starting to awaken to Israeli madness. Andrew Sullivan, one of the country’s biggest bloggers, has been increasingly vocal in questioning the role of the Jewish state. Who else in the MSM is really doing so? The Netanyahu government has all but declared war on the Obama administration and then openly disses…

Haiti is not another experiment on the neo-liberal highway

Naomi Klein speaks in New York a few days ago and gives a necessary perspective on the crisis in Haiti: But as I write about in The Shock Doctrine, crises are often used now as the pretext for pushing through policies that you cannot push through under times of stability. Countries in periods of extreme…

Galloway has a few words for dictator Mubarak

Following the Gaza Freedom March and Viva Palestina, two humanitarian efforts bringing assistance to the people of Gaza, British MP George Galloway unloads on the US-client state of Egypt in a typically brash effort: I have been in a few dangerous places in my life. In the mid 80s along with an ITN news crew…

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