What is Google now doing in China?

My following article appears today on ABC Unleashed/The Drum: Google has threatened to withdraw entirely from China in protest at the authoritarian regime’s oppressive online censorship and continuing attempts by Chinese hackers to gain sensitive information of local human rights workers. Perhaps most significantly, Google’s Chinse search engine, Google.cn, now allows once banned material to…

Egyptian blogger continues to face repression behind bars

The definition of a US-backed police state, funded and armed by the US tax-payer: Reporters Without Borders deplores the way the authorities continue to persecute Abdel Kareem Nabil Suleiman, a jailed blogger better known by the pen-name of Kareem Amer. For the third time in a row, one of his lawyers has been denied the…

Should we fear China?

With news that Google is threatening to leave China over its oppressive censorship and hacking systems, this news (which is impossible to verify) is either scare-mongering on a massive scale or signs of a brave new world: A classified FBI report indicates that China has secretly developed an army of 180,000 cyberspies that “poses the…

The capitalist market needs to be destroyed from within

Raj Patel, author of The Value of Nothing: How to Reshape Market Society and Redefine Democracy, tells Democracy Now! that the global belief in the market system is misplaced: And, I mean, I think that we’ve been beguiled by markets. We understand prices, or we think that we understand what’s going on when we’re faced…

Getting into Gaza

My following New Matilda article is published today: While the rest of us toasted the New Year, newmatilda.com correspondent Antony Loewenstein was in Cairo for the Gaza Freedom March In late December, one year after Israel’s brutal military assault on the Gaza Strip, some 1300 people from 43 countries descended on Cairo to draw attention…

Flying the not-so-friendly skies from Israel

The always interesting Jewish journalist Shraga Elam questions the supposed effectiveness of Israel’s airport security services, praised around the world: As an example we can take the Israeli Ben-Gurion Airport,… which boasts of having… one of the tightest “security” operations in the world, allegedly effectively eliminating… terrorist hijackings.… In fact,… Ben-Gurion’s… safety ranking is nothing to brag about. In November 2008…

New York Times continues to shield Americans from Mid-east truth

How much longer must we suffer through this nonsense? Here’s David Brooks in the New York Times, writing about the wonderful technology in Israel and its inspiration to the world. With growing amount of information getting out that shows Israel is an oppressive nation, Zionist propagandists, especially in the US, need to ramp up the…

Jews, don’t be afraid of questioning Israel

What are the boundaries for acceptable debate over Israel according to Zionists? Usually, we’re told that criticism is acceptable…but then any discussion over Israeli crimes is deemed inappropriate. So, this blog post by James Besser, Washington correspondent for NY Jewish Week, is interesting (via Muzzlewatch). He highlights a recent Haaretz editorial that challenges Israel’s policy…

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