Both Hamas and the PA need to restrain their forces

The abuse of human rights in Palestine (either under Hamas or the US-backed Palestinian Authority) shows no sign of improving: The Committee to Protect Journalists urges the West Bank-based Palestinian Authorities to release a journalist detained since Monday and the Hamas-led government in Gaza to end harassment of journalists. Mohamed Eshtewi, Al-Aqsa television bureau chief…

Carter tells the global powers to get into action in Gaza

Former US President Jimmy Carter has long been a champion of the Palestinian people. His latest piece tells the international community to stop talking and start rebuilding: Of more immediate concern, those under siege in Gaza face another winter of intense personal suffering. I visited Gaza after the devastating January war and observed homeless people…

Washington gives funds to Israel to continue its illegalities

Israel, says America, you can illegal blockade Gaza and expand settlements in the West Bank and we’ll still fund your work: US President Barack Obama this week signed the 2010 foreign aid budget law which includes $2.775 billion in security aid to Israel. This is the second year the budget is transferred to the Jewish…

Using the Nazi analogy against Obama is fine, says Zionist

Herbert Wolfzahn, a Zionist Organisation of America member, says of President Obama: “He’s squeezing Israel. It’s our land, and Obama would like to see it judenrein,” using the Nazi term for land that had been cleansed of Jews. Of course, back in the real world, America and Israel remain the best of friends: Leaders in…

We train and torture Palestinians and wonder why they hate us?

Sometimes, a story about Palestine speaks volumes about the ways in which Washington truly views the region (such as this classic 2008 tale of a US-backed, attempted coup against the ruling Hamas party). This piece in the London Guardian is both utterly unsurprising and brutally frank. This is the West’s vision for a Palestinian future?…

169,000 Americans occupying Afghanistan

Jeremy Scahill on America’s hidden war: At present, there are 104,000 Department of Defense contractors in Afghanistan. According to a report this week from the Congressional Research Service, as a result of the coming surge of 30,000 troops in Afghanistan, there may be up to 56,000 additional contractors deployed. But here is another group of…

From the crazy file: Beijing has to stop Israel bombing Iran?

If true (and it’s impossible to know with anonymously-sourced stories), Israel is like a wild child that nobody can seemingly control (despite the fact that Washington pays to keep the lights on): U.S. President Barack Obama has warned his Chinese counterpart that the United States would not be able to keep Israel from attacking Iranian…

Are we gearing up for Gaza 2?

Another war against Gaza? Here’s what establishment figure Bruce Riedel thinks. His bio speaks for itself: He’s a senior fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy in the Brookings Institution. He advised Presidents Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama on the Middle East and South Asia in the National Security Council of the White…

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