Shoulder to shoulder with the Strip

My following article appears in the British magazine New Statesman: Freedom marches have a noble pedigree. Hundreds of thousands marched for racial equality in the 1960s US; among them was Martin Luther King Jr, who delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech at the march on Washington in 1963. Now, thousands of miles away, the…

Washington wants war over cooler degrees

Who is really serious about addressing climate change? Here’s Bolivia’s leader Evo Morales in Copenhagen: The budget of the United States is $687 billion for defense. And for climate change, to save life, to save humanity, they only put up $10 billion. This is shameful.

Nobody buys the Times spin on Israel’s Damascus conversion

The New York Times tries to convince its readers that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has changed his views and now believes in a two-state solution with the Palestinians. Seriously, are these articles written by the Israeli Foreign Ministry? One curious mention, however, is this: The [settlement] freeze was less than what was demanded by…

Palestinians involved in policing their own destruction

The West Bank as a model dictatorship? Israel and America are training their ideal army to kill any real opponents of a Middle East “vision”: A fifth battalion of Palestinian security forces, trained in Jordan under United States sponsorship, will return to the West Bank next week to beef up Palestinian Authority forces in cracking…

Australia snubs Tamil refugees

My following article is published in US magazine The Nation: Sri Lanka’s brutal war against the Tamils, a native ethnic group that has suffered legal, economic and political discrimination for more than half a century, has come at a huge domestic and global cost. Human rights in the Sinhalese-dominated nation are consistently violated, with journalists,…

Vanunu should be truly let free

Israeli whistle-blower Mordechai Vanunu is one of the heroes of the 20th century. His trauma continues: Mordechai Vanunu, who revealed details about Israel’s nuclear facilities, said to Ynet following a Supreme Court hearing on the appeal of his sentence, “Obama wants a nuclear-free world, and he must take action for my release.” Vanunu claimed, “All…

Using and abusing Jesus in times of need

The global financial crisis has hit America especially hard, causing unemployment and poverty to sky-rocket. So, asks The Atlantic in a December feature, “Did Christianity cause the crash?”: In his book Something for Nothing, Jackson Lears describes two starkly different manifestations of the American dream, each intertwined with religious faith. The traditional Protestant hero is…

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