Blackwater is a clear and present danger to us all

The latest on Blackwater, the US military contractor, is fascinating and is once again discovered by Jeremy Scahill: In an explosive new article in The Nation magazine, investigative journalist and Democracy Now! correspondent Jeremy Scahill reveals the private military firm Blackwater is part of a covert program in Pakistan that includes planning the assassination and…

BDS is the new anti-Semitism

The issue of targeted boycotts against Israel are growing by the day (see here and here). Muzzlewatch documents just the latest sign of panic within the Zionist establishment in the US. No answer to Zionist expansion and racist policies in Israel? Not to worry, just retreat into a bubble and hope the occupation magically disappears…

I love Israel so much, says US anti-Semitism fighter

Here’s a fun job to have. Hannah Rosenthal, former head of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, started this week as the State Department’s Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism. Oh joy. Tablet Magazine asks her to respond to critics (and note how many times she has to say she loves Israel, just to…

Palin wants The Rapture (at least somebody realises)

Following Sarah Palin’s recent comments that illegal, Jewish settlements should expand in the West Bank (in a clear reference to the Second Coming), a former Australian Liberal Party MP Ross Cameron today challenges her on this: American policy for the past 40 years has discouraged Israeli settlements in the disputed territories. Palin told Barbara Walters…

At what point will J Street realise that Israel isn’t democratic now?

J Street head Jeremy Ben-Ami debated the Executive Director of the American Jewish Committee David Harris on CNN earlier this week. They disagreed on some key points (Harris believes Israel can solve the conflict on its own while Ben-Ami believes only Washington can) but this comment by Ben-Ami was the strongest statement: The settlement enterprise…

Twitter is so not Beijing’s bag

China, we are listening, can you hear us? When Barack Obama told students in Shanghai last week that he had never used Twitter, there were two responses. In the west, surprise from some of his 2.6 million followers. And in China, reportedly, a surge in queries on Google China: “What’s Twitter?” On the mainland, it…

Call for support: The One Democratic State Group – Gaza

“The One Democratic State Group is committed to the struggle for Palestinian rights. These rights will never be realized outside the framework of a unitary state with equality for all its citizens. For too long this aim has been a vision. It is time to make it happen, and the ODSG is at the forefront…

The ghost of Bill Gates in the shadow of helping the Communist Party

My book The Blogging Revolution thoroughly examines the complicity of Western multinationals such as Google, Microsoft and Yahoo in assisting online censorship in oppressive regimes. Nicholas Kristof in his blog on the New York Times discovers how shocking this situation has become. Lesson for the day; never trust the word of corporate executives (especially when…

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