Settlements aren’t really colonies, says the Washington Post

Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting on the continuing ability of the US corporate press to evade telling the truth about the Middle East: The big news out of the Middle East yesterday was the Israeli government’s decision to approve an expansion of… the Gilo settlement near Jerusalem. The White House’s muddled position on settlement expansion has…

Cubans deserve far better than this

The human rights situation in Cuba – something I examined in my book The Blogging Revolution – remains dire. Some prominent bloggers on the island were recently abused for simply speaking out. Now, according to Human Rights Watch, the regime continues to oppress its people: The Cuban president, Raúl Castro, has crushed dissent and continued…

Jordan is happy to be used as a place where terror is trained

“The war on terror” is all about keeping our bastards on a short leash in an attempt to get them to abuse/kill/detain the pre-determined enemy. So simple and yet so costly: In the bleak and seemingly endless desert expanse that unfolds east of Jordan’s capital city, Amman, lies a crucial cog in the ambitious regional…

Getting Jerusalem in a head-lock and not letting go (if only)

I just caught up with Andrew Sullivan’s column from last weekend’s Sunday Times on Obama and Israel. Despite the fact that Jeffrey Goldberg worries about Sullivan’s Zionist credentials, Sullivan argues that Obama has played the Middle East well so far and holds a trump card: In the long run Obama retains one key advantage. He…

Obama, help those poor Jews to predict a sunny day

Finally, the American government can solve the Middle East crisis: According to State Department officials, the violently clashing peoples of Israel and Palestine have agreed to resume small talks this week in an effort to move toward eventually having a discussion about the weather. “Our goal is to achieve a preliminary open dialogue about the…

Palin brings out the best in the least fair sex

Andrew Sullivan on le Sarah Palin “phenomenon”: Let’s face it: if Palin looked like Golda Meir, there’s no chance McCain would have picked her. And no one would currently give a damn. She is the Carrie Prejean of politics; and like the Ailes-tested fembots on Fox News. Women are not so dumb as to buy…

Settlements are killing Israel…so some Americans love them

The issue of illegal, Jewish settlements in the West Bank are getting a lot of press recently. First, Sarah Palin in a media interview for her newly released book (an utterly deluded affair, writes Andrew Sullivan, and a woman thrust on the world by a group of neo-conservatives, something we should never forget): I believe…

Washington proves how utterly powerless it wants to be in the Middle East

I thank Mondoweiss for drawing attention to this interesting exchange at the US State Department yesterday between spokesman Ian Kelly and Associated Press journalist Matt Lee (though a few other people are involved). They are discussing the news that Israel has approved 900 more homes in occupied territory: MR. KELLY: Well, I think, Michel, you’ve…

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