How we treat terror suspects is the sign of a true democracy

News that some of the alleged 9/11 masterminds will be tried in a New York city civilian court is welcome news but Andy Worthington, a Brit who has written about many of the Guantanamo Bay captives, issues caution on Democracy Now!: Well, I think—you know, I think it’s very appropriate that it does take place…

The grand Jewish tradition of siding with the underdog in Gaza

The plight of Gaza is not forgotten here in Australia. I salute any individual going on the upcoming Gaza Freedom March: Vivienne Porzsolt, a spokesperson for Jews Against the Occupation Sydney (JAO), is one of 10 activists from NSW who will spend their summer break challenging Israel’s defiance of international law. She will take part…

Exclusive translation: Balfour still echoes in 2009

The Balfour Declaration still resonates all these years later. The following article – published in Le Monde Diplomatique in November by Alain Gresh, archived here, and translated exclusively for this site by Sydney-based Evan Jones – provides a revealing context to the current conflict. History is a living and breathing beast. We are yet to…

Why can’t Iraqis appreciate the wholesome, corporate invasion?

Spot the issue with this New York Times story: Iraq’s Baghdad Trade Fair ended Tuesday, six years and a trillion dollars after the American invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein, and one country was conspicuously absent. That would be the country that spent a trillion dollars — on the invasion and occupation, but also on training…

Blackwater are essential to keep the Arab kill ratio up

The ongoing case of the US private military contractor Blackwater – covered extensively on this site here and here – continues. Note the seeming inability (or unwillingness, probably) of the US establishment to stop using an outfit charged with serious cases of murder and mismanagement: In the aftermath of the 2007 Nisour Square massacre in…

US public want justice for Palestinians, not dead end decisions

One more indication of a populace far ahead of the corrupted political elites: The U.S. House of Representatives passed a non-binding resolution Tuesday condemning the Goldstone Report on Israeli and Hamas actions taking during the Gaza War as “irredeemably biased” against Israel and calling on U.S. President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton…

Is Washington’s peace process over?

My latest New Matilda column is about the failure of the two-state solution: With hopes for a two-state solution waning, the resignation of Mahmoud Abbas is prompting new calls for a one-state solution, writes Antony Loewenstein The decision of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to resign and not stand in proposed January elections is a blessing…

J Street broadens public debate on Israel

My following article is published today in Online Opinion: Distinguished South African judge Richard Goldstone wrote the UN report on Israel’s December/January war against the Gazan people. It detailed war crimes by both Israel and Hamas and demanded both entities fully investigate the serious charges of targeting civilians and infrastructure. “Pro-Israel and pro-peace” lobby J…

Jews coming together on refugees and conflict

The following email was just sent to the list of Independent Australian Jewish Voices: Dear friends, After a brutal civil war that massacred tens of thousands in Sri Lanka, many Tamils are seeking to rebuild their lives in Australia and beyond. We have not only a moral responsibility to listen to their pleas as refugees,…

My, that is pretty mad capitalism in your window

John Perkins, the bestselling author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, has a new book out, Hoodwinked: An Economic Hit Man Reveals Why the World Financial Markets Imploded—and What We Need to Do to Remake Them. Here, on Democracy Now!, he outlines the problems with psychotic capitalism the West has embraced: I think it’s…

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