The Jewish establishment brings only darkness

Jay Michaelson in the Jewish Forward on Zionist bullies in the mainstream community: I loathe the company we Zionists are forced to keep: ethnocentrists, know-nothings, warmongers and worse; that angry pseudo-majority whose Disney-fied myths eclipse the region’s messy realities, who dehumanize Arabs and furiously lob the words “antisemitism” and “Holocaust” like rhetorical hand grenades. What…

J Street is calling but are we really listening?

I’m on my way to the first J Street conference in Washington DC. Extreme Zionists in the US call the group “cranks“. Other so-called leading Jews in the US are equally spooked. What, some Jews meeting who don’t love the settlements and want to bomb every country in the Middle East? Lynch them! Gideon Levy…

Obama either takes Palestinian justice seriously (or not)

Australians for Palestine public advocate Michael Shaik publishes the following in the Australian: Nine months since the end of the offensive, Gazans continue to live in plastic tents alongside the ruins off their homes because Israel refuses to allow building materials into Gaza. …  The Israeli government reasons that, by inflicting such punishment on Gaza’s…

J Street Jews are bad people, repeat after me

Next week’s J Street conference in Washington DC (controversy abounds, so I can’t wait to be there to experience it up close) continues to draw the wrath of hardline Zionists. Here’s Isi Leibler, recently calling for the ex-communication of dissident Jews: This weekend J Street is launching its first major convention at which it claims…

The weakness of Obama’s war machine

Leading American journalist Seymour Hersh has more explosive revelations: The U.S. military is not just fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, America’s most renowned investigative journalist says. The army is also “in a war against the White House — and they feel they have [President] Obama boxed in,” Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Seymour Hersh told several…

The job of Judaism is to expand debate, not reduce it

Following J Street’s shameful cancellation of a poet’s performance at its upcoming Washington conference, the man in question (and his colleague) have released a statement: This week, some right-wing blogs and pseudo-news organizations latched on to various lines of poems Josh wrote and churned the alarmist rumor mill saying that hateful anti-Israeli poets are keynote…

Social networking interests Washington’s elite

Web users, the US government is watching you: America’s spy agencies want to read your blog posts, keep track of your Twitter updates — even check out your book reviews on Amazon. In-Q-Tel, the investment arm of the CIA and the wider intelligence community, is putting cash into Visible Technologies, a software firm that specializes…

Will Iran be tolerated as a regional power?

Founder of Conflicts Forum Alastair Crooke on the real challenge Iran poses to the world order: It was pure drama: The leaders of the United States, Britain, and France stepped onto the stage at the Pittsburgh Group of 20 meeting recently to unveil Western intelligence that showed that Iran had a second nuclear fuel enrichment…

Australian commentator loves terrorism trials to prove his point

Sydney Morning Herald’s Gerard Henderson loves tough terrorism laws. He feels protected from terrorists. Governments would never exaggerate that threat. God, no. Their primary aim is to protect citizens from harm. They believe in the rule of law (except, of course, if America breaks that law and then Australia clearly has no choice but to…

Israel wants to be special (and kill unarmed civilians)

Here’s the message from Israel. Other nations kill civilians, why can’t we? This is what Israel has become: Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz on Sunday accused the United Nations Human Rights Council of anti-Semitism, after the UN body endorsed a damning report on Israel’s winter Gaza offensive. “This is an anti-Semitic attempt to decide that what…

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