West Bank settlers should be hugged not shamed, say reporters

Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting show how the US corporate media feel terribly sorry for those beleaguered Jewish settlers living illegally on Palestinian land but show less sympathy for the Arabs whose land is being stolen by said Jews: Ethnic cleansing could hardly hope for a friendlier hearing.

Jesus loves all Americans, especially the Jews

American Jewish writer Max Blumenthal – friend, agitator and Israel critic – is currently on a US book tour for his work Republican Gomorrah. Some Christian fundamentalists – and therefore Israel lovers – were not impressed at UC Riverside.

Washington is not the future over oil

Robert Fisk on a new brave world: In the most profound financial change in recent Middle East history, Gulf Arabs are planning – along with China, Russia, Japan and France – to end dollar dealings for oil, moving instead to a basket of currencies including the Japanese yen and Chinese yuan, the euro, gold and…

No wonder the West loves Mahmoud Abbas

Omar Barghouti, one of the key leaders of the BDS campaign against Israel, writes about the Palestinian Authority’s capitulation to Israel and the US over the devastating UN Gaza report: It is crucial to remember that the PA does not have any legal or democratic mandate to speak on behalf of the people of Palestine…

”˜Anti-Zionist’ Jew: author of ”˜My Israel Question’ heads for Bali

The following article by Katrin Figge is published today in one of Indonesia’s largest English newspapers, The Jakarta Globe: For a person who gets hate mail and death threats on a regular basis, Antony Loewenstein remains surprisingly cheerful. The Jewish-Australian journalist, activist, blogger and author, who is based in Sydney, has stirred up plenty of…

The ways in which America dislikes the Arabs over and over again

An important new tool that will show who really runs the Middle East and from where (hint: Tel Aviv): The Congressional Monitor Database is a powerful new research tool that contains every legislative initiative introduced in the U.S. Congress during the George W. Bush Administration (2001 through 2008) that mentions Palestine or Israel or has…

When America liked the brutal Iranians

How inconvenient and reminiscent of Washington’s support for Saddam: For all the recent uproar over Iran’s nuclear program, little attention has been paid to the fact that the country which first provided Tehran with nuclear equipment was the United States. In 1967, under the “Atoms for Peace” program launched by President Eisenhower, the US sold…

Jews and Arabs may soon start talking the Seinfeld way

What peace talks? What peace process? What competant and honest Palestinian Authority? The U.S. envoy to the Middle East, George Mitchell, was expected to arrive in Israel on Wednesday in order to continue efforts to restart peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians. Jerusalem sources believe that the resumption of talks will be announced soon,…

An Islam that doesn’t cause headlines

Imran Ahmad, author of Unimagined: A Muslim Boy Meets the West, has an Indonesian version of the book that will be launched during his appearance at the Ubud Writers and Readers Festival this week. I hope to meet him here in Indonesia. The Jakarta Globe has published a piece by Ahmad that articlates his position…

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