Israel real peace threat

A revealing letter in today’s Melbourne Herald Sun, proving once again that public opinion towards Israel is far ahead of the political and media elite: Was there an elephant in the room at the recent meeting of the G20? So much time devoted to badgering Iran over its alleged nuclear ambitions and not a word…

Sri Lanka and Israel should get a room

Sri Lanka and Israel use terror in similar ways: the “war on terror” they’re both fighting causes nothing other than mass destruction and hatred. Some victory. The relationship is murky and ever-deepening. This headline is revealing: S.L. Govt. uses Israel to soften American pressure

If a Rabbi can be a humanist, what about the rest of us?

American Rabbi Brant Rosen is an outspoken defender of Palestinian rights. Here he is in the Chicago Tribune this week on the occasion of Judaism’s holy day: On Sunday night, the Jewish community will begin our annual Yom Kippur fast. The physical deprivation is a crucial element of the day, but as with many faith…

True justice over Gaza won’t happen on its own

Last week America told the world that the UN Gaza report was terribly unfair to Israel and should essentially be ignored. This week, in yet another sign of Washington’s “seriousness” over Middle East peace, we have this: The United States called on its close ally Israel on Tuesday to conduct credible investigations into allegations of…

Of course Israel should attack Iran and soon

This is mainstream American news television, a discussion about how Iran should be bombed, when it should happen, if Israel should be assisted and if Israel should assassinate Iranian leaders to bring regime change. Can you imagine the outcry if Iranian television had the same kind of program, discussing the ways in which Israeli leaders…

Talk is cheap when settlements grow by the day

As the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign against Israel gathers pace, the inevitable Zionist backlash is growing. Here’s the Forward editorial this week: Time was when a boycott demanded personal sacrifice as an expression of protest. That’s how the name first was coined, when Irish tenant farmers and tradesmen in the late-19th century refused to…

Not saving “anti-Semitism” for when it really matters

Following recent comments by Zbigniew Brzezinski that the US could and should stop any Israeli bombing mission against Iran, the Jerusalem Post’s Caroline Glick – a woman with a history of Zionist extremism – writes the following: If Zbigniew Brzezinski had his way, the US would go to war against Israel to defend Iran’s nuclear…

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