Let’s feel sorry for Zionist zealots

One day, the American media will be held accountable for its complete white-washing of Israelis crimes in Palestine. Today it’s the turn of Jerold S. Auerbach, a professor of history at Wellesley College and the author of “Hebron Jews: Memory and Conflict in the Land of Israel,” who writes in the Wall Street Journal about…

A day in the life of a Gazan surfer

A story of rare hope and the kind I wish I read more about. The National publishes a piece about surfing in Gaza, of all places, and the surfers in Israel and America that want to help Gazans experience the global sport. We often hear about attempts at understanding but this is the real deal,…

When loving the establishment is a media natural

Accusations of left-wing bias against public broadcasters is a mainstay of the culture wars (witness the latest non-story in Australia over the ABC). Mehdi Hasan, senior political editor of the New Statesman, argues that the BBC is an inherently status-quo enforcing organisation: The BBC’s bias is thus an Establishment bias, a bias towards power and…

A US leader who understands Palestine

Jimmy Carter talks to al-Jazeera about the “absolutely necessary” end to West Bank settlements and the engagement of Hamas. Carter has been saying the same thing for years and I admire him for it:

At what point does one take a stand on apartheid?

When film-maker Ken Loach recently called for the Melbourne International Film Festival to refuse Israeli government funding, the response was electric. Now, the director of the festival has fully responded (and I’m informed Loach has responded to this response by Richard Moore): To allow the personal politics of one filmmaker to proscribe a festival position…

We are all self-hating Jews

Benjamin Netanyahu allegedly called two of Barack Obama’s senior advisers, Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod, “self-hating” Jews because he didn’t like their leader pressuring his country. The poor dear. The New Republic’s Leon Wieseltier, a life-long dedicated Zionist, has something to say about that: If Emanuel is a self-hating Jew because he believes that Israeli…

Stalin is landing in Washington

Rush Limbaugh, America’s leading radio host, on the Obama administration: This whole administration is as radical and far left as any that the country has ever had, and what they’re trying to do here to communications is simply stifle dissenting voices. They’re trying to wipe out any opposition.

Fondly waving goodbye to two-states

Israel Policy Forum gives one reason why there seems to be such a recent flurry of Obama administration-led rhetoric over the Middle East conflict: According to Peace Now, in 2008 Jews represented 51.8 percent, and Palestinians 48.2 percent of those living between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. By 2015, Peace Now says these…

Waiting on Obama is a fool’s game

Following Israeli academic Neve Gordon’s recent call for a boycott campaign against Israel due to its “apartheid” nature, Jerusalem Post columnist Larry Derfner simply refuses to go this far (wishing, pointlessly in my view, that somehow outside pressure, from the Obama administration, will force Israel to become a civilised nation): Supporting the BDS [boycott, divestment…

How the media brings war against Iran to a TV near you

The drive against Iran’s supposed nuclear weapons program is fraught with leaks and Israeli disinformation. Inter Press Service outlines the black ops: Western officials leaked stories to the Associated Press and Reuters last week aimed at pressuring the outgoing chief of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohamed ElBaradei, to include a summary of intelligence alleging…

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