Imagining a Middle East that doesn’t exist

Laura Rozen writes in Foreign Policy on the likely moves by the Obama administration towards Middle East “peace”: Aaron David Miller, a veteran Middle East peace negotiator for six secretaries of state, said Sunday that the Obama administration is planning to produce, “in late September or October,” either a conference or an announcement of a…

The Zionist settler mindset in all its racist glory

Life in the West Bank is something I discuss constantly on this site and I intend to try and increase that coverage. Here’s a good piece in the Guardian today about a settler who says he wants to leave his illegal home and claims many would follow if offered compensation by Israel. But it’s also…

At what point will America be seen as the country it really is?

Atlantic blogger Andrew Sullivan powerfully opines on American torture and slams the media and political elites for looking the other way. Welcome to US exceptionalism: The descent of the United States – and of Americans in general – to lower standards of morality and justice than those demanded by Iranians of their regime is a…

Bloody ungrateful Iraqis

Conservative, Republican blog Powerline offers this nuanced analysis of America’s wars: But the future of Iraq doesn’t look at all bright now that the Americans are fading from the scene. It’s unfortunate, but there’s nothing to be done. The Iraqi government wants us out, the American government wants to get out, and the Iraqi and…

Gaza blockade is great for al-Qaeda

My latest New Matilda column is about the growing militancy in Gaza: The recent shootout in a Gaza mosque has highlighted the way Israel’s blockade of the strip radicalises people and encourages terrorism, writes Antony Loewenstein Gaza is facing yet another threat exacerbated by the ongoing Israeli siege: Islamic fundamentalism. In mid August, 24 people…

Reaction to Pilger award reveals Zionist lobby’s fear of dissent

My following article appears in Crikey: In 2003, Palestinian politician and human rights activist Hanan Ashrawi won the Sydney Peace Prize. The Zionist establishment reacted with outrage, accused her of extremism and pressured then New South Wales Premier Bob Carr to not present the award. The campaign was a disaster and convinced large swathes of…

Israel has utterly no self-control over colonies

Der Spiegel grills Israeli Deputy Prime Minister and Intelligence Minister Dan Meridor in ways that most Western journalists do not. When Israeli officials lie, call them on it: SPIEGEL: You blame Palestinian intransigence. Western leaders are, of course, demanding that the Arab side compromise on some issues. But they are also putting pressure on Israel…

Our closest ally supports the threat of rape

Salon’s Glenn Greenwald offers the best explanation of the kind of country America was during the Bush years (and Barack Obama is seemingly happy to keep the rendition program going to torture-friendly nations): The fact that we are not really bothered any more by taking helpless detainees in our custody and (a)… threatening to blow their…

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