Don’t mention the occupation (repeat after me)

The number of Western commentators – well, Zionists on the drip-feed, actually – who are proclaiming the wonders of an economically-buoyant West Bank is seemingly growing by the day. Why worry about ending the occupation and ongoing settlement building when you can see a new Hollywood film at the local cinema? Palestinians should be so…

Waving goodbye to the two-state mess

Aaron David Miller, former adviser to countless US administrations, issues the following comments on the Israel/Palestine conflict: This (a two-state solution) is not going to last for 8 years. The facts on the ground, the facts in people’s minds, the hopelessness, the despair, the confusion of the politics on each side will, in my judgment,…

How to hate Arabs and be a host on Fox News

Mike Huckabee’s tour to the Middle East has been a veritable freak-show. Is the man actually calling for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their own land? Here he is on Fox News talking about his personal Zionist fundamentalism:

How can Fatah lead when it’s owned by Washington?

Amira Hass wonders in Haaretz about the future role of Fatah, bought and tamed by Israel and the Americans: The decision by Fatah’s Sixth Congress that the movement is sticking to negotiations as a means of achieving independence, statehood and peace is an admission that the use of arms during the second intifada was disastrous.…

If only the Democrats were any better

Johann Hari in the Independent: However strange it seems, the Republican Party really is spinning off into a bizarre cult who believe Barack Obama is a baby-killer plotting to build death panels for the grannies of America. Their new slogan could be – shrill, baby, shrill.

Murdoch employee hugs and kisses settlers

Former US presidential candidate and Fox News host Mike Huckabee during a visit to Israel and Palestine sponsored by pro-settler groups: The question is should the Palestinians have a place to call their own? Yes, I have no problem with that. Should it be in the middle of the Jewish homeland? That’s what I think…

Please help Israel kill Arabs

Israel’s Deputy Foreign Minister, Danny Ayalon, wants to tell the world that his country is desperate to maintain a decent relationship with Washington (well, that’s the real reason behind this nauseating message): The US believes in demolishing homes and ruining Palestinian lives in Jerusalem?

Obama is not the anti-Christ, repeat after me

J Street launches a new website, Obama Smear Busters, in an attempt to debunk the growing number of lies spread by the fundamentalist Zionist communities in Israel and the US: – Obama threw Israel under the bus in Cairo speech? Nope. – “Birther” leader claims Obama is “clear and present danger to Israel?” Ridiculous. –…

When crazy Zionism meets just crazy

Orly Tait, the Jew behind the Obama “birther” controversy, speaks to Haaretz: “During the campaign, Obama was telling American Jews that he is for Israel… but sure enough, just as he was elected, look at his first actions, he issued an executive order to give $900 million to Gaza with no preconditions.” Taitz says that…

Top Zionist says Zionism is groovy

Michael Oren, the new Israeli ambassador to Washington, speaks: The ”˜death of Zionism’ is demonstrably untrue. More people speak Hebrew than Danish, Israel publishes more poetry per capita than any other country, it’s a global leader in high tech and biotech, it can field one of the world’s most proficient and moral armies – and…

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