One Israeli Jew who knows injustice when he sees it

Larry Derfner in the Jerusalem Post: If the Obama administration goes all the way in its demand for a total settlement freeze, if it stands firm against Israeli emotional blackmail, we may have this week’s debacle in Sheikh Jarrah to thank. The eviction of two Palestinian families from their homes in Arab east Jerusalem where…

We preach, you (must) listen

Salon’s Glenn Greenwald on America’s constant insistence that justice is applied in (some) countries around the world…but not in the US itself: A NYT search reveals that the phrase “culture of impunity”… has never been applied to the United States.…  Thankfully, then, Americans will probably never know what it’s like to live in a country where…

Rupert wants us to pay for this kind of content?

Jon Stewart on Fox News and its coverage of Bill Clinton and his work in releasing two journalists held in North Korea: Cultural Learnings of Rupert Murdoch for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Wealth: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c

Not all Palestinians can be forgotten

An interesting article in the San Francisco Chronicle about Israel’s never-ending campaign to remove Palestinian identity: Peace will remain elusive so long as Israel’s approach to Palestinian refugees is to erase them from history; when Palestinian property in the West Bank continues to be expropriated and developed for Israel; or when Palestinian families must be…

A perfect way to launch a war against Islam

I’ve written many times about the military contractor Blackwater (now known as Xe Services). Their connection to the Bush administration was deep and utterly lacking in transparency. American journalist Jeremy Scahill has led the charge. Scahill’s latest article in the Nation is devastating: A former Blackwater employee and an ex-US Marine who has worked as…

My Israel Question returns

The third edition of my first book, My Israel Question, is released in September by Melbourne University Publishing: Antony’s Loewenstein’s My Israel Question was a bestseller when first published and generated a storm of controversy, critical praise and robust public debate. Loewenstein’s forensic discussion of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues here in a fully updated and…

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