The Zionist lobby’s bastard child

I wrote this morning about Orly Taitz, the woman behind the Obama “fake” birth certificate controversy. Now some more about this mysterious woman: Orly Taitz claims that she is merely a “lawyer,” with a purely “legal” interest in the details of Obama’s birth, but I obviously suspect there’s more to her Obama birth obsession than…

The kind of Hamas the world really fears

Amjad Atallah, director of the New America Foundation, explains how Hamas has once again talked about accepting a Palestinian state along 1967 borders. And once again, the world accuses the group of being inflexible. Who is really the intransigent one now? The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday that Hamas Chief Khaled Meshaal told Jay…

The mad Jew on Obama

Orly Taitz, the mastermind behind the Obama birth-certificate controversy, has an intriguing background. She was born in the Soviet republic of Moldova before moving to Israel, where she lived until immigrating to the US in 1987. She now says: I realized that Obama was another Stalin—it’s a cross between Stalinist USSR and Nazi Germany. How…

Being for or against war is a matter of opinion

Leading historian Gabriel Kolko reminds us how the American elite system works: In April 2008 the National Defense University report on the Iraq War, which called it “a major debacle,” was written by men who had originally fully supported the war in order to advance their careers, realizing later that it was essential to turn…

Can we show you how to crush balls?

Dictators, writes Andrew Sullivan, Washington is your friend: There isn’t a tyrant anywhere who isn’t more legitimate today because of Dick Cheney’s adoption of torture as an American value.

The NYTs on myth and reality in Palestine

Thomas Friedman writes in today’s New York Times that Israel needs to stop building settlements. The rest of his column repeats the now-accepted, yet false myth, that Israel withdraw from Gaza and only received rockets in return. In fact, when you blockade a territory after a democratic election, you better expect some fireworks: For years,…

One more nail in the coffin of a mixed Jerusalem

A few weeks ago I reported on the slated removal of Palestinians from their homes in East Jerusalem. Today, after the horrific killings in Tel Aviv last night at a gay venue, the Israelis took advantage of a distracted media and finally moved in: Police on Sunday morning evacuated two Palestinian families from homes in…

The Israelis need to be told over and over again

Following the recent article in the New York Times by Haaretz writer Aluf Benn – essentially arguing that US pressure on Israel just isn’t fair, no, not at all! – a letter writer responds in today’s paper: Aluf Benn states that “as far as most Israelis are concerned, Mr. Obama has made a mistake in…

The legacy of continual US expansion

So much for “Yes, we can” Barack Obama. He is expanding the US empire: The global reach of the US military today is unprecedented and unparalleled. Officially, more than 190,000 troops and 115,000 civilian employees are massed in approximately 900 military facilities in 46 countries and territories (the unofficial figure is far greater). The US…

Helping settle the colonies in the open

Israel-American Mairav Zonszein, activist and writer, exposes the nefarious activities of the US group Nefesh B’Nefesh (which means “Soul in Soul” in Hebrew) in the Nation magazine: In the years since its first plane landed, NBN has brought 20,000 immigrants to Israel from North America and Britain. Of those 20,000, NBN PR and communications manager…

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