How Israel enforces global borders

How Israel enforces global borders

The Long Road Magazine is a great, European-based outlet reporting on borders and borderlands. I was recently interviewed by one of its co-founders, Patrick O. Strickland, about my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, with a particular focus on Israeli tech maintaining borders (in the EU and on the US/Mexico). The wonderful sketch of me, published…

Declassified Australia talk on Israeli mass surveillance

My recent conversation at the Addi Road Writer’s Festival in Sydney, Australia about my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, with my Declassified Australia friend, co-founder and co-editor, Peter Cronau. We discussed surveillance capitalism and Israel’s leading role in its global proliferation (including in Australia via the Israeli company Cellebrite, a fact explained in a book…

TRT World interview on new far-right Israeli government

Following the visit to the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem by Israel’s far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, I was interviewed by global broadcaster TRT World on the state of Israel/Palestine relations and why the Jewish state remains so appealing to many.

Australia’s role as a sub-imperial power

My review in The Saturday Paper, of the new book by Clinton Fernandes, Subimperial Power Australia in the International Arena: In early October, Australia’s deputy prime minister and minister for Defence, Richard Marles, was in Hawaii to meet the American and Japanese defence chiefs near Pearl Harbor. “The global, rules-based order is being pressured in…

What the media should be doing

This letter was just published in the Williamsport Sun-Gazette newspaper in Pennsylvania: Oscar Wilde said, “In the old days men had the rack. Today they have the Press.” We are bombarded with what the media says is news, but, in most cases, does not identify a real source, or attribute the facts to a specific…

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