“Only in America” files; get students more weapons

This is a lead story in today’s Wall Street Journal which I’m reading in California. It’s hard to understate the insanity of these proposals, that the more guns circulating in society the better, that more guns will make America safer: At more college campuses across the country, students are winning the right to pack a…

Just how many bases does America have in “liberated” Afghanistan?

That’s a question that seemingly nobody can answer. This is empire logic. Nick Turse investigates for TomDispatch: Afghanistan may turn out to be one of the great misbegotten “stimulus packages” of the modern era, a construction boom in the middle of nowhere with materials largely shipped in at enormous expense to no lasting purpose whatsoever.… …

Wall Street getting away with murder

The American banking system came close to complete collapse in 2008 and yet to this day barely anybody has been prosecuted. The Obama administration has a policy of looking forward and not looking back (and this includes national security, torture and finance). Here’s a new Al Jazeera documentary about the issues:

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