“After Zionism” featured at University of Sydney’s Sydney Ideas

The first public event for my new book with Ahmed Moor, After Zionism, took place on 2 August: The Israel/Palestine ‘peace process’ has failed and the occupation has never been more pervasive. The prospect of a two-state solution, a position advocated by all Western countries, is increasingly criticised as being at odds with the realities…

Haiti run, controlled and influenced by too many foreign interests

Being here in Haiti for the last while, it’s striking how often I hear how many locals say that their independence was taken from them years ago, particularly by the US and foreign NGOs. This story has only inflamed sentiments (via GlobalPost): Sean Penn’s aid foundation, J/P HRO, began tearing down the once-picturesque National Palace…

The aid economy that fuels Haiti’s misery

I’m currently in Haiti working on my book about disaster capitalism and a documentary with New York film-maker Thor Neureiter. It’ll be a global picture to show how privatisation and outsourcing, in the military, aid, intelligence, detention centres and mineral exploitation businesses, are creating a world of even greater disparity. Cholera remains a massive issue…

“Justice” the American way

Remember this next time any US official talks about accountability in other nations (via the New York Times): Attorney General… Eric H. Holder Jr.… announced Thursday that no one would be prosecuted for the deaths of a prisoner in Afghanistan in 2002 and another in Iraq in 2003, eliminating the last possibility that any criminal charges will…

Problem alert; New York Times “journalist” shared pre-publication article with CIA

Unless there is some stunningly effective explanation, which is highly unlikely, this story (via Politico) is almost the perfect example of the ever-deepening collusion and over-sharing between mainstream reporters and the intelligence services. This isn’t journalism: Newly available CIA records obtained by Judicial Watch, the conservative watchdog group, reveal that New York Times reporter Mark…

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