White people commit terrorism, too

The kind of commentary that any sensible writer would make but alas they don’t. The Atlantic’s Conor Friedersdorf explains: Observing that the Sunday attack on a Sikh temple in Wisconsin hasn’t attracted nearly as much attention as other shooting sprees, including last week’s rampage at an Aurora, Colorado movie theater, Robert Wright… wonders… if the disparity is…

Don’t think for a second that a militarised US empire is going away

Nick Turse in TomDispatch provides a terrifying overview of what Barack Obama has merely accelerated in the last four years: In the 1980s, the U.S. government began funneling aid to mujahedeen rebels in Afghanistan as part of an American… proxy war… against the Soviet Union. It was, in the minds of America’s Cold War leaders, a rare…

That’s one way to challenge rampant capitalism

RT reports: In a symbolic rejection of US capitalism, Bolivia announced it will expel the Coca-Cola Company from the country at the end of the Mayan calendar. This will mark the end of capitalism and usher in a new era of equality, the Bolivian govt says. “December 21 of 2012 will be the end of…

Just two examples of what privatised “security” means

The Washington Post: The security contractor at a Tennessee plant that stores the nation’s supply of weapons-grade uranium has replaced its general manager almost two weeks after three protesters, including an 82-year-old nun, got into a high-security area. Security firm WSI Oak Ridge confirmed to the Knoxville News Sentinel Wednesday that Steven C. Hafner is…

Some good old vulture capitalism in Iraq

One of countless examples: The former chief of party in Baghdad for the United States Institute of Peace (USIP), Robert Nathan Boorda, pleaded guilty to an information unsealed today in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia for conspiring to enrich himself by having USIP award a security contract at a fraudulently inflated…

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