ABCTV News24’s The Drum on Israel/Palestine and uranium sales to UAE

I appeared last night on ABCTV’s The Drum (video here) alongside the Sydney Morning Herald’s Judith Whelan and… … former NSW Liberal leader Kerri Chikarovski. Aside from arguing against Australia selling uranium to UAE – seriously, do we need to provide a brutal dictatorship with a toxic and deadly resource? – and challenging the corporate media to…

Israeli export: lessons in isolation

The Jerusalem Post reports on the latest lessons the Zionist state are giving the world. What inspiration: A growing number of countries are flocking to Israel to study border security as the Defense Ministry works to complete the construction of a physical and technological barrier along the Egyptian border. In August, a delegation from India…

A one-state solution is only way forward for Israel and Palestine

My following article appears today in The Conversation: How should the world react when a supposedly democratic state can’t acknowledge a 40-year-old occupation? When US Presidential candidate Mitt Romney… declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel… during a visit this weekend, he was playing into this mass delusion, and mouthing the official position of the American Zionist lobby.…

Investigative journalism in the era of Wikileaks

Last year, in September, I appeared at Australia’s first… conference (Back to the Source) for investigative journalists in Sydney alongside ABC TV’s… Andrew Fowler, freelance journalist… Philip Dorling and The Australian Financial Review’s… Brian Toohey. We had all in different ways reported on Wikileaks, mostly sympathetically, and the discussion revolved about what the organisation had done to journalism. The…

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