Obama’s “kill list” and presidential power to murder at will

Washington’s drone war is increasingly exposed as a brutal weapon with countless civilian casualties. America is expanding its use. A major piece in this week’s New York Times provides chilling details of Barack Obama’s major escalation since taking office of killing “terrorists” without any judicial or independent oversight (a new book, Kill or Capture, discusses…

Blogging our way to freedom isn’t so easy in 21st century

The following interview appears in the Australian online legal and human rights journal Right Now: Samaya Chanthaphavong spoke to Antony Loewenstein, author of… The Blogging Revolution… about the use of the internet, in particular blogging, as a communicative tool to promote self-representation, democracy and human rights in areas where excessive regimes impose strict censorship over most forms…

Talking about war without celebrating war

It’s a tough call on mainstream, corporate TV. And so rare. This segment, Up With Chris Hayes on MSNBC, is an interesting attempt. Even talking about the immorality of US-led wars is a concept almost absent from so-called polite debate: Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Mining and gas company vandalism in Papua New Guinea

My following interview appears in this week’s Green Left Weekly: Independent journalist and author… Antony Loewenstein… visited Papua New Guinea in January and February as part of his research for an upcoming book and documentary about disaster capitalism and privatisation. He spoke to… Green Left Weekly‘s… Ash Pemberton… about the influence of the resource industry in PNG, its links with…

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