What Gitmo did to one man

The horror and outrage of Guantanamo Bay continues to this day. A legal and moral black hole sanctioned by the highest levels of the US government. No justice. No mercy. This New York Times feature on just one man, innocent and never charged, shows how America has become a country that proudly shuns international law.…

America keen to keep Israel on the financial and military drip feed

From Ynet: The US Senate is currently reviewing the US-Israel… Enhanced Security Cooperation Act of 2012 which passed the House of Representatives earlier this month. The bill proposes shared satellite intelligence, aerial refueling tankers, specialized munitions and surplus drawdown gear from Iraq. A Senate aide said the bill has already amassed nearly 50 co-sponsors and is…

NATO expands and vulture capitalists make a killing

Salon reports: “Optics!” hissed the NATO summit staffer. “Jesus Christ, optics!” He was right to panic. It was Sunday evening, 6 sharp, the end of the first day of the NATO summit in Chicago. A swarm of global press was gathered around the convention hall’s lone display, a slick industry-sponsored video exhibit of NATO’s ballistic…

Memo to media; still life and death in Iraq

Niqash reports: Iraqi maternity hospitals are seeing a new born trend: children given “neutral” names that don’t reveal their family’s religious or political affiliations. Because in Iraq, having the wrong name in the wrong place can still get you killed. On a Tuesday in mid-May the office at the entrance to the Salam Hospital in…

Future warfare will be brought to you by a multinational

Wired reports: Sure, it took an extra year or so, but Northrop Grumman has finally penciled in the first flight of the giant surveillance airship it’s building for the U.S. Army. The… Long Endurance Multi-Intelligence Vehicle… —… a football-field-size, helium-filled robot blimp fitted with sensors and data-links — should take to the air over Lakehurst, New Jersey, the…

ABC TV News interview about freedom of speech in West and beyond

During last week’s Sydney Writer’s Festival, before my PEN lecture on free speech, I was interviewed by ABC TV News about the growing threat to our freedoms in the West, as governments and private companies monitor and collect our digital details: [video… ogg=”/cms/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/586444_20120517-Sydney-Writers_video2.ogg” mp4=”/cms/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/586444_20120517-Sydney-Writers_video2.m4v” width=”400″ height=”224″]

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