Knowing it’s apartheid in Palestine but being too afraid to say it

In a positive review of Peter Beinart’s book The Crisis of Zionism in Rolling Stone, this telling quote: Another anonymous source is a “senior State Department official,” who recently traveled with Secretary Clinton from Jerusalem to Ramallah in the West Bank: “There was a kind of silence and people were careful, but it was like,…

The amazing struggles of Chen Guangcheng

A truly remarkable story that reads like a thriller but reveals a dark side of Chinese repression that we should never forget. The New York Times reports: Injuries suffered in the course of a daring nighttime escape. A covert appeal from underground activists to top State Department officials for humanitarian protection. A car chase through…

The militarisation of aid in “war on terror”

This is a growing issue since 9/11, where the US military and others are perfectly happy to corrupt the NGO process by delivering so-called aid and development themselves, therefore trying to convince people under occupation that the military will “save” them. The vitally important separation between the military and aid has largely disappeared. This story…

Hello NYT, associations with Zionist think-tanks should be revealed

Working for the New York Times in Israel seems to guarantee a disturbing lack of transparency. FAIR reports: After the news broke… that… New York Times… Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner had a son who enlisted in the Israeli army (Extra!,… 1/27/10),… Times… public editor Clark Hoyt noted (2/6/10) that it was problematic for Bronner to continue reporting on “one of…

Assange interviews Tunisia’s first post-revolution leader

Following two weeks of intriguing interviews, this week’s episode of The World Tomorrow features… Moncef Marzouki. The role of democracy in post-dictatorships is raised and how to transform a nation after years living under repression. The fact that such a man is rarely seen or heard in the Western media shames us all, considering Tunisia was…

Charming US TV propaganda endorses Obama plans in Afghanistan

Putting aside the empty and utterly delusional words by Obama in Afghanistan – the country remains mired in conflict and US actions are merely worsening that reality – the introduction by the US ABC TV channel could have been written by the White House itself: video platform video management video solutions video player

If you only read one investigative piece this week…

Read this stunning… story… by Ken Silverstein in Foreign Policy. It’s about corporate power, energy needs, corruption, immunity from prosecution, Bill Clinton, the company Glencore and how our world is increasingly ordered: When Glencore, the world’s biggest commodities brokerage firm, went public in May 2011, the initial public offering (IPO) on the London and Hong Kong stock…

Our failed war against Yemen

Yet another country where US policy has empowered resistance forces against a corrupt and brutal central government. Jeremy Scahill and Richard Rowley report for Al-Jazeera:

Nobody said US war-making was smart; paying insurgents off who then attack us

No commentary required (and similar things are clearly happening in Afghanistan, I heard it discussed routinely during my recent visit there). Eli Lake reports for The Daily Beast: During the war in Iraq, battalion commanders were allocated packets of $100 bills and authorized to use them for anything from repairing a schoolhouse to paying off…

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