Lessons in real journalism from Jeremy Scahill

Best-selling author Jeremy Scahill… talking to the LA Times on the making of Dirty Wars: “You come across people and they’ve lost something incredible, like their family has been killed, or someone’s been maimed. They don’t understand why a raid happened. And no one from the military has said, ‘This is what happened, here’s compensation.’ So…

First positive review of my upcoming book, Profits of Doom

In August I’ll be releasing, through Melbourne University Press, my new solo book, Profits of Doom: How Vulture Capitalism is Swallowing the World. The first (very early) review has appeared in Bookseller + Publisher,… Australia’s leading publication on the book industry:

The Cold War is back and arms dealers are laughing

Global powers rarely learn from history. Instead, they look to find ways to influence others with a range of sticks and carrots. Hello, weapons manufacturers, stop smiling. Michael Klare in TomDispatch: Did Washington just give Israel the green light for a future attack on Iran via an arms deal?…  Did Russia just signal its further…

Full transcript of my interview with Jeremy Scahill

Australian publication New Matilda published my interview with journalist and author Jeremy Scahill yesterday.…  Our recent conversation covered many areas so I’m publishing below a full transcript of the interview conducted by phone on 15th May: Where are the main places US is using armed drones outside Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Somalia? One area that…

Talking to Jeremy Scahill on war, drones and Wikileaks

My following interview appears in today’s New Matilda: Journalist Jeremy Scahill has spent his life exposing the dark recesses of US foreign policy. He talks independent media, drones and terror in this exclusive interview with Antony Loewenstein The Weekly Standard is the neo-conservative bible that backed the US wars against Iraq and Afghanistan and today…

Vulture capitalism month is coming

In August, I’ll be releasing through Melbourne University Press my new book, Profits of Doom: How Vulture Capitalism is Swallowing the World. In the same month in Sydney (and hopefully Melbourne and overseas after that), there will be this below. Many more details in the coming while:

What’s happening at Guantanamo Bay is daily torture

Independent journalist Jason Leopold just visited Guantanamo Bay and sent this report and photos (see this link): Last week, thanks to the generous support of the Freedom of Press Foundation, I traveled to Guantanamo during the height of a mass hunger strike to tour the detention facility, along with four other members of the media.…

Obama’s war on terror could last for decades

The open-ended nature of this “war”, plus a plethora of global targets, should make us concerned. Resistance is vital. Here’s Charlie Savage in the New York Times: A top Pentagon official said Thursday that the evolving war against… Al Qaeda… was likely to continue “at least 10 to 20 years” and urged Congress not to modify the…

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