What Gitmo did to one man

The horror and outrage of Guantanamo Bay continues to this day. A legal and moral black hole sanctioned by the highest levels of the US government. No justice. No mercy. This New York Times feature on just one man, innocent and never charged, shows how America has become a country that proudly shuns international law.…

Future warfare will be brought to you by a multinational

Wired reports: Sure, it took an extra year or so, but Northrop Grumman has finally penciled in the first flight of the giant surveillance airship it’s building for the U.S. Army. The… Long Endurance Multi-Intelligence Vehicle… —… a football-field-size, helium-filled robot blimp fitted with sensors and data-links — should take to the air over Lakehurst, New Jersey, the…

What real war coverage should look like

This is remarkable. Returned US army vets giving back their medals of honour near this week’s NATO conference in Chicago. Powerful, poignant and the kind of voices almost never heard in the mainstream media. Much easier and safer to interview generals (hello ABC TV’s 7.30 last night) about a war in Afghanistan that they’ve ruined…

Thank you Saudi Arabia for expanding drone war in Yemen

That’s what a good, autocratic ally does for America; remain dictatorial while “fighting terrorism”. The New York Review of Books: The United States is quietly being drawn into an escalating conflict in Yemen. Following the discovery earlier this month of a new bomb plot aimed at American airliners, the US government has been aiming drones…

Bush administration inspired by Israeli homeland security post 9/11

No real secrets here but at least it’s acknowledged that the extreme, often racist and discriminatory polices of the Zionist state assisted Washington after September 11. And the greatest irony of all? Neither country feels safe. Here’s the Times of Israel: The world changed in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, former US secretary of…

Underwear bomber from Yemen? Not so fast

Memo to world; never believe White House spin over terrorism or the countless mainstream media hacks who blindly report it (via Reuters): White House efforts to soft-pedal the danger from a new “underwear bomb” plot emanating from Yemen may have inadvertently broken the news they needed most to contain. At about 5:45 p.m. EDT on…

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