What Australia knew about the Habib case (hint: everything)

Finally the mainstream media catches onto the important case of tortured Australian citizen Mamdouh Habib (who I exclusively interviewed last week): Damning evidence from an Egyptian intelligence officer that names an Australian official who witnessed the torture of Sydney man Mamdouh Habib in Guantanamo Bay has been revealed as the trigger for a hushed-up government…

A little taste of what kind of democracy Egypt deserves

My following analysis appears on ABC Unleashed/The Drum today: An Egyptian blogger displayed characteristic humour when news broke overnight that president Hosni Mubarak would not be stepping down: Mubarak (n.): a psychotic ex-girlfriend who fails 2 understand it’s over. If Mubarak and his new deputy Omar Suleiman thought their speeches would placate the protesters, they…

Habib: my torture at hands of Egypt’s new de facto leader

My following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: According to Sameh Shoukry, the Egyptian ambassador to the US, Hosni Mubarak has now transferred all powers to his recently appointed Vice-President Omar Suleiman. Despite a barrage of speculation that Mubarak was going to step down overnight”‰—”‰including comments from head of the CIA, which makes one…

Egyptian torture victim: Suleiman “should be arrested”

The following statement was just released by America’s Institute for Public Accuracy: Former Ambassador, CIA Official Weigh In On Wednesday, the Institute for Public Accuracy distributed a news release titled “Omar Suleiman, ”˜Egypt’s Torturer-in-Chief,’ Tied to False Iraq WMD Tortured ”˜Intel.’” Reporter Robert Tait writes in the Guardian on his abduction in Cairo just this…

If we had a serious debate about Afghanistan

This would be front-page news: The central justification of the U.S.-NATO war against the Afghan Taliban – that the Taliban would allow al Qaeda to return to Afghanistan – has been challenged by new historical evidence of offers by the Taliban leadership to reconcile with the Hamid Karzai government after the fall of the Taliban…

Israel doesn’t believe in Egyptian democracy

My following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: While the Egyptian masses are uprising in unprecedented ways across the country against a Western-backed dictator, Israel fears the worst. The country’s President Shimon Peres said last week that, “no matter what they say, we owe Mubarak true gratitude for being as steadfast as a rock…

Obama on Mubarak; he ain’t so bad really

Barack Obama on Mubarak when speaking to Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly: “He’s been a good partner in relation to the peace with Israel. And with some counter-terrorism.” What’s this code for? We like how he’s repressed the Palestinians and Hamas and tortured “terror suspects” for us: Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com

Blackwater helping us save the world

Look at what our world has created; mercenaries with government backing: Erik Prince, the founder of the international security giant Blackwater Worldwide, is backing an effort by a controversial South African mercenary firm to insert itself into Somalia’s bloody civil war by protecting government leaders, training Somali troops, and battling pirates and Islamic militants there,…

Ireland hearts US torture

Another government, post Wikileaks, shown to have lied post 9/11: Slowly but surely the entire shameful truth is coming out about Shannon airport, CIA renditions, and the lengths the Irish government went to avoid the evidence. One of the first Dublin embassy cables from Wikileaks confirmed that the Minister for Foreign Affairs Dermot Ahern knew…

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