Colombo hearts Israel but dissent exists

Israel will sell arms to anybody; the more brutal the better, really. Sri Lanka is therefore the perfect country for Tel Aviv to engage but according to this piece in the country’s Sunday Leader disquiet rules: The news that Sri Lanka is to boost relations with Israel in the agricultural field comes as a surprise…

No country should be immune from war crimes prosecutions, including Sri Lanka

Just what the world needs; another corporate journalist defending Sri Lankan war crimes and condemning Westerners (and many Tamils, but who cares about them?) for daring to demand accountability for the Rajapaksa junta. Welcome to the hall of infamy, UK Daily Telegraph Diplomatic Editor Praveen Swami. Sadly, you’ve swallowed the “war on terror” mantra completely,…

Backing extremists is fine if you work for CNN

A reader sent me this incisive post: Last Wednesday, a group of prominent Bush-era Republicans, including former NYC Mayor Rudy Guiliani, former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge, former White House adviser Frances Townsend and former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, flew to Paris to speak in support of a Marxist Iranian exile group there – one…

Those who want more conflict are making a little dollar out of it

The nexus between big business and government is an ever-tightening one. It’s an area I’ll be covering in a forthcoming book (due in a while). Just this week has seen a litany of media stories that highlight the inherent problems. More wars and detention to maximise profits? You better believe it. Sydney Morning Herald today:…

Here’s an idea; let’s get mercenaries from Iraq and send them to another war

Just what the world needs; another privatised war with unaccountable players: Somalia’s transitional government is using private security firms and Arab governments to train and fund a paramilitary force to battle pirates in the region that have threatened international shipping. A lawyer representing Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government (TFG) said on Tuesday that a security contractor,…

A litany of Wikileaks evidence that US behaves like rogue state

The Wikileaks stories keep on coming. One: The Drug Enforcement Administration has been transformed into a global intelligence organization with a reach that extends far beyond narcotics, and an eavesdropping operation so expansive it has to fend off foreign politicians who want to use it against their political enemies, according to secret diplomatic cables. In…

Obama wants to keep suspects in jail for as long as he wants

If there are any illusions about Barack Obama, this should surely extinguish those forever: The White House is preparing an Executive Order on indefinite detention that will provide periodic reviews of evidence against dozens of prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay, according to several administration officials. The draft order, a version of which was first considered…

Iraq and Afghanistan come to American streets and homes

The future has arrived. Another installment in the stunning Washington Post series, Top Secret America called Monitoring America, on the bleeding of the “war on terror” into mainstream US life. Often privatised, mostly secret. This is the creation of a truly all-seeing police state in a so-called democracy: The months-long investigation, based on nearly 100…

David Hicks shows us what we became after 9/11

My following book review appeared in yesterday’s Sydney’s Sun Herald newspaper: AUTOBIOGRAPHY Guantanamo: My Journey David Hicks (William Heinemann, $49.95) Reviewed by Antony Loewenstein Almost 10 years after the Bush administration launched the ”˜”˜war on terror’’, the victims of the policy remain largely voiceless. The unknown number of civilians murdered by Western bombs have no…

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