Using the Nazi analogy against Obama is fine, says Zionist

Herbert Wolfzahn, a Zionist Organisation of America member, says of President Obama: “He’s squeezing Israel. It’s our land, and Obama would like to see it judenrein,” using the Nazi term for land that had been cleansed of Jews. Of course, back in the real world, America and Israel remain the best of friends: Leaders in…

Why Israel will always struggle against BDS

It is revealing that the Jewish state is trying to manage the growing BDS movement globally by simply ignoring the reasons behind the outrage. The idea that the West Bank occupation and siege on Gaza would justify punitive measures against Israel is simply unimaginable. Looks like we’ll just have to continue pointing out the obvious:…

We train and torture Palestinians and wonder why they hate us?

Sometimes, a story about Palestine speaks volumes about the ways in which Washington truly views the region (such as this classic 2008 tale of a US-backed, attempted coup against the ruling Hamas party). This piece in the London Guardian is both utterly unsurprising and brutally frank. This is the West’s vision for a Palestinian future?…

Exporting bananas from Hebron will rot quickly

The British government is moving slowly to isolate products in the West Bank and label them appropriately. The territories in Palestine are illegally occupied by Jews, it’s as simple as that. Israel is fighting back (which is something the Jewish state is doing a lot of at the moment, when the global battle for legitimacy…

Nobody buys the Times spin on Israel’s Damascus conversion

The New York Times tries to convince its readers that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has changed his views and now believes in a two-state solution with the Palestinians. Seriously, are these articles written by the Israeli Foreign Ministry? One curious mention, however, is this: The [settlement] freeze was less than what was demanded by…

Palestinians involved in policing their own destruction

The West Bank as a model dictatorship? Israel and America are training their ideal army to kill any real opponents of a Middle East “vision”: A fifth battalion of Palestinian security forces, trained in Jordan under United States sponsorship, will return to the West Bank next week to beef up Palestinian Authority forces in cracking…

Israeli blogger calls the occupation his country’s defining feature

Israel’s stellar blog Promised Land on the 22nd anniversary of the first Palestinian intifada: Our national project is the occupation. We would like you to think it’s the high-tech industry (the current day’s version of the oranges Israel used to grow) but one can’t compare the investment – both governmental and private – in high-tech…

Will the real occupying Israel please stand up?

The essential Gideon Levy in Haaretz wishes Israel would finally come out of the closet and admit what it really is: Tomorrow will mark six months since the prime minister’s foreign policy speech at Bar-Ilan University. It’s now time for another historic speech. In the near future, the prime minister needs to convene the right…

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