Israel lobby funds another media tour. Read all about it

My following article is published today on Crikey: “Peter Hartcher is the Sydney Morning Herald’s international editor. He travelled to Israel as a guest of the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies.” Hartcher’s latest piece for his paper tells a familiar tale. The UN Goldstone report on the Gaza war… ”‰—”‰in which Israel and Hamas are accused…

A Middle East that could blow and soon

The idea that the status-quo is sustainable in the Middle East is both delusional and sensible. On the one hand, Israel’s occupation of Palestine will continue as long as the world powers allow it to. Without serious pressure, Zionist fundamentalists will continue pushing their apocalyptic view of the world. Alternatively, as Bernard Avishai notes today,…

The mainstream media should not take free trips to Israel, repeat after me

Following Peter Hartcher’s article in yesterday’s Sydney Morning Herald that allowed Zionist spokespeople yet more opportunities to white-wash their crimes in Gaza, the following letter is published in today’s paper: Peter Hartcher’s reflection on the Goldstone report fails on a number of counts (”Israel feels tarnished as critics apply apartheid tag”, November 17). Hartcher repeats…

Without serious pressure, writes Roger Cohen, Israel will not change

New York Times columnist Roger Cohen has written extensively this year about the Israel/Palestine conflict, and his latest column continues that tradition. Its importance lies in telling Americans how content many Israelis are with the status-quo (namely occupation): I’ve grown so pessimistic about Israel-Palestine that I find myself agreeing with Israel’s hard-line foreign minister, Avigdor…

Does a unilateral Palestinian state really seem likely?

Akiva Eldar in Haaretz: What will Israel do if Abbas announces that by a reasonable date, say, December 31, 2010, the option of a state and a half – Israel and alongside it a Palestinian entity – will go the way of the West Bank’s “village leagues” of the 1980s? The question therefore is not…

The gift Israel has given the world (crazy settlers)

Women in Green are fanatical Jews intent on settling all of the West Bank. Screw the Arabs. They just sent out the following email: Below is a link to … pictures of the destruction today in Neguhot by the IDF of two homes – the home of Yehudit and Natan Ben David and their 6 children…

Britain’s Channel 4 looks into the reach of the Zionist lobby

Can you imagine a leading current affairs program in the US or Australia investigating the tentacles of the Zionist lobby? Hardly: Pro-Israeli organisations in Britain look set to see their influence increase if the Conservatives win the next election, a film scrutinising the activities of a powerful but little-known lobby warns today. At least half…

“We refuse to be slaves of occupation, slaves in ghettos”

Palestinian politician Mustafa Barghouti was recently seen on The Daily Show with Jewish writer Anna Baltzer explaining to a mainstream American audience the reality of Israeli occupation. Here, to a press conference at the Wattan Media Centre, he expands his thesis and outlines the necessary direction of the Palestinian liberation struggle: “The present decision of…

Stealing water the West Bank way

A recent Amnesty International report documented Israel’s illegal and discriminatory control of water in the Palestinian territories. Jewish settlers get what they want and Palestinians get very little. This al-Jazeera reports shows the reality on the ground (via Joseph Dana):

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