What part of Zionist fascism don’t we understand?

The ultra-fundamentalist Od Yosef Hai yeshiva in the West Bank settlement of Yitzhar is infamous for its involvement in settler violence against Palestinians. Here’s a notorious rabbi offering a complete guide to killing non-Jews. This is what we are supporting in the Middle East.

Leading Israeli, mainstream commentator: apartheid is here

Times are changing and fast. Israel’s largest circulation daily, Yediot, featured yesterday a startling article that dared utter the “A” word, apartheid. The paper’s legal affairs editor wrote the following article (provided to me in translation via an Israeli source): Apartheid is here / The forbidden road Op-ed, Boaz Okon, Yediot, November 8 2009 Israel…

Jewish leftists are killing Israel, argues Zionist extremist

The Bureau of Counterpropaganda highlights a Jewish website that discusses the “Jewish Danger in Galilee”: If you read or see CNN or the BBC or even the more even handed FOX news, you may come away with the feeling that the government of Israel’s settlement policy is an illegal impediment to Peace… …the Arabs are…

Israel is falling apart; most Jews don’t want to know

Finally, the Americans are starting to tire of the Middle East conflict (even if they blame both sides for the impasse, oblivious to the clear power imbalance between Israelis and Palestinians). Here’s Thomas Friedman in the New York Times: Today, the Arabs, Israel and the Palestinians are clearly not feeling enough pain to do anything…

The wall that runs through the Palestinian homeland

A photo essay in Le Monde reflecting the struggle against Israel’s apartheid wall that snakes illegally through the West Bank. In related news, this video shows the protest in Nilin yesterday to mark the 20th anniversary to the fall of the Berlin wall, which has been declared an international day of action against Israel’s barrier.…

Washington Post accuses Arabs of being unreasonable, hold the phone

Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting notes the almost daily bias in the American media against the Palestinians (it’s their fault that they dare call for a settlement freeze in the West Bank?): Today’s Washington Post (11/2/09) notes the White House’s apparent softening towards the Israeli side in Mideast negotiations (the headline is “Israel Putting Forth…

Can we now acknowledge that Obama loves Israel a little too closely?

J Street’s statement about the Obama administration’s capitulation to Israeli demands reeks of desperation; what happens if Washington doesn’t deliver, people? Though we welcome the government of Israel’s expressed willingness to restrain settlement growth, we echo the Secretary’s statement today in Morocco that offers made to date fall far short of the Obama administration’s position…

Terrorism is defined by the West Bank project

Just how many Jewist terrorists exist in Israel? As importantly, almost daily abuse of Palestinians in the West Bank by Jewish settlers is both ignored and defended by the Jewish state: A senior Shin Bet official said Jewish terrorists that have not been caught are still at large and may be planning future attacks, Israel…

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